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January 04, 2005

2005 Goals Part Three: Stitching

Other Crafts

In this area, my goal is basically just to stitch more. But since that's not terribly measurable, let's try a few others.

1. Finish at least three things. I hope to finish many more that that, of course, but last year I finished two, so three seems a good goal.

2. Finish Frederick the Literate. He's my 2005 challenge piece for one of my cross stitch lists. It's not the biggest piece I've started, but it will certainly be the biggest I've finished thus far.

3. Keep track of what I finish. Shouldn't be hard, given how few things I expect to finish, but that's my across-the-board goal this year so I might as well be consistent.

4. End the year with fewer UFOs. I, umm, don't know how many I have, so this will be tricky. But it basically means I have to finish more things than I start. Since I started Frederick already, I have to finish two things before I can start another.

Posted by Kat at January 4, 2005 10:59 PM

I love that "Frederick the Literate" picture.

Posted by: Rachel at January 7, 2005 01:46 AM

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