Well, I'll be busy...
So the projects you saw last time are coming along. They're all a little bigger than they were then. I promise. But there's really not enough done on any one of them to really make an interesting picture. So let's look at some new stuff, eh?
Friday night I went to Borders:
You can see I was in a knitting frame of mind. I came home with Scarf Style
, Folk Vests
, The Knitting Way
, and the new issue of Piecework. (See? Everything's all about lace this summer.) And yes, that's Gilmore Girls - The Complete Second Season
you see there (something to watch while knitting, of course) as well as Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home
because I clearly need more cookbooks.
Then on Saturday I went to the yarn store. Scarf Style
inspired me, so we have some Classic Elite Attitude for Ruffles, because Lauren's was just so cute. Not the yarn called for, but I liked the colors of this one better, plus it was on sale!
And also some Berroco Glace for Blue Collar (although, obviously, mine will be Purple Collar).
And I saw Cascade Fixation for the first time, so of course I had to pick some up for Broadripple Socks.
But the big exciting find of the day was this handpainted raw silk from Blue Heron Yarns, destined to become a Baltic Sea Stole for my aunt for Christmas.
Gorgeous, no?
Posted by Kat at July 10, 2005 07:48 PM