Review: Patterns in Silicon
So, as we discussed yesterday, I've been in a reading rut. Today I decided that this was simply unacceptable. For one thing, I have this book around that I've been reading off and on for months. The author very kindly sent it to me, and I promised to review it on the blog. I'm sure she's given up on me by now. So anyway, I got home today and decided this had to stop. So I took myself firmly in hand, and said, "Self, you do not need to turn on the computer within 15 minutes of walking in the door. Remember reading? You like reading. You're going to sit down and finish that book." So I made myself a nice Mochaberry (that's a cafe mocha with raspberry syrup, for those of you who don't think in Borders cafe menu terms) and sat down at six to read with about 180 pages left. I was done by 7:30, and now I have officially finished a book for September. (Oh yeah. I'm going to start posting them at the end of the month like Rachel does. Accountability, and all.) So. Anyway. The review. Right.
Patterns in Silicon
is a debut mystery from Maureen Robb. It features a San Francisco chef and new restaurant owner, Lea Sherwood, who becomes embroiled (hah! sorry) in a murder investigation when an ex-boyfriend drops dead in her restaurant. The mystery is decently plotted, and Robb does a great job of portraying San Francisco. (Although I haven't been there since I was a child, so I perhaps shouldn't say that. But I found it convincing, at least.) I especially liked her portrayal of Lea's restaurant and the food world in general - it made me hungry! Her depiction of the tech industry also seemed credible. The supporting cast was great as well, especially members of Lea's staff.
I do have a few quibbles with the book, though. The first is with the characterization of Lea, the main character. To me, she read as someone much older than her 33 years. I kept having to remind myself that she wasn't in her late forties or fifties. She finds Gen Xers to be a distant, foreign breed, but it seems that that should be her own generation. Also, there was some sloppy editing ("here, here!" One of my pet peeves.) and I couldn't figure out why Lea had such unrestricted access to her boyfriend's offices, phones, coworkers, etc.
Overall, though, this was a fun read, and I look forward to more adventures of Lea Sherwood!
Posted by Kat at September 2, 2005 09:04 PM