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September 04, 2005

A whole day free?

More about me than you ever wanted to know

So I unexpectedly have an entire day free tomorrow. Yes, I knew that I had Labor Day off, but my parents have been up here visiting this weekend. I didn't know what time they were going to leave on Monday, so I didn't make any plans. But it turns out that one of their cars broke down yesterday morning, so they're leaving early to go car shopping and I won't see them at all. Therefore, I have a whole day delightfully free. Because of the aforementioned parental visit, my apartment is even pretty clean, so the day really feels freer than most.

So... what shall I do? Sleep late? Write a story? Finally spend some quality time with the spinning wheel? Take a long walk? Read John Irving all day? Go shopping? (I'll probably do at least some of that, actually, since I have a Borders coupon about to expire.) Catch up on all the blogs I try to read? Knit Birch all day? Or pull out Charlotte or the Baltic Sea Stole or even the Peace Shawl? Spend a few hours on Bible chapter summaries (a la RachelSerenity movie? Finish season one of Avonlea? Or maybe catch up on the Netflix DVDs I've been ignoring for the past few weeks? Oh, the options.

I'm not going to decide now, though. I'm sure I'll have fun with whatever I pick, but for the moment, I think the delight of it really lies in the fact that that whole long stretch of time is free.

Posted by Kat at September 4, 2005 11:37 PM

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