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September 30, 2005

Boston Knit-Out


(I know, I know. Two entries in one day. What can I say; it's Friday and I'm at work and bored.)

So who's going to the Boston Knit-Out on Sunday? Carole and Folkcat, I know, and maybe Julia? Anyway. I am looking forward to it; I'll be there with Erica, who is, in fact, going. (I'm not above bribing her with a vanilla latte and a Sunday Times to read in the car if she tries to back out.)

If you're there, come say hi. I'll be the short girl with long brown hair and glasses, wearing Kitty Shoes. If you say hi and mention my blog, I might even give you a little present.

Posted by Kat at September 30, 2005 03:24 PM

Ah, you have a ride. Okay. I'll hope to see you somewhere at the Commons, then.

Posted by: Folkcat at September 30, 2005 04:31 PM

Latte? Sunday New York Times? It's tough having a friend who knows my weaknesses. See you Sunday morning, Kat!

Posted by: Erica at October 1, 2005 09:10 AM

Have fun at the knit-out tommorow!!! Wish I could be up there with ya ;)

Posted by: aisling at October 2, 2005 12:30 AM

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