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October 14, 2005

I lost.

Knitting , Thank goodness for friends. , Wheeee!

So remember the baby blanket I've been working on? The endless one? A while ago (last week maybe?) the intended recipient suggested that we race to see who could accomplish her objective first: me to finish the blanket, her to have the baby. Well, I lost. A gorgeous baby girl came into the world last night. Congratulations to her parents and brothers and whole family!

So, well, this means I have to hurry up already with the blanket. It's about 75% done. I think. I'm fighting the urge to just call it "done enough" at the end of the next repeat and do the border and cast off and send it along. But I think it will be better if I keep going. Right?

At this point, I am very much looking forward to finishing the blanket because I have so many other things I want to be working on. I have realized that, honestly, one of the things causing stress in my life is my number of WIPs and the size of my stash. I feel like my knitting, along with everything else, is out of control. I also feel guilty whenever I buy yarn because I have so much. So... yeah. I'm not proposing a yarn diet or anything crazy like that, but I think that once Christmas knitting is under control, I will start focusing on finishing up some old stuff. Anyone want to join me?

Posted by Kat at October 14, 2005 04:55 PM

I'm with you on the "finishing up of old stuff once the [gwfgwf] knitting is under control". Last weekend I packed them all up until January. Must. finish. gift. knitting.

Posted by: Kat at October 14, 2005 05:47 PM

woohooo I won! im not planning on finishing nothin' old anytime soon, I got a little girl to care for ;)

Posted by: aisling at October 15, 2005 06:59 PM

I'd join you in the "finish up the old" plan if I had more in the works; the truth is that what I keep trying to finish up is still giving me fits (why I put it aside in the first place) and overall I think I'm going to continually have to walk away from it until I frog it all or til I can gain insight from another knitter or two on what I'm doing wrong.

I'll be at Willows for the KnitLit 3 party - I'd love to meet up but I'm not yet sure what my schedule looks like. I'm staying with Laurie (etherknitter) and I've no idea what the afternoon/evening looks like. If you're around before then that's a possibility but I'm not sure when I'm getting into town. I'll let you know more when I have it semi-figured out. :)

Posted by: Kristen at October 16, 2005 05:31 PM

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