Yarn on sale doesn't count.
That's one of the rules of stash reduction, right? That yarn bought at a discount doesn't really count as buying yarn? Well, it should be, anyway. Today my roommate and I headed to not one but two Superbowl sales. We headed to Ewe'll Love It first, because all the yarn was 40% off and I had a feeling it would be busier. It was. We got there about five minutes before it opened, and there was already a big line. Luckily, it wasn't too crazy, and I managed to find a few things for which I was looking.
First, the Rowan Felted Tweed for "Salina," the cover sweater from Vintage Knits
. My roommate and I will be working on sweaters from this book together: he got the yarn for "Beau" today.
I also picked up a few more hits of yarn crack, seen below masquerading under its street names of KidSilk Haze and its close cousin Kid Seta. They're both for projects from Wrap Style
: the garnet for "Guinevere" and forest green for "Wrapped in Tradition." Except I can't start either until I finish Birch. Or at least that's the idea.
I also picked up a hank of Cherry Tree Hill Supersock, because my sock yarn stash is woefully small, as well as the Knit Bits
calendar that I had been eyeing.
Then we headed to the Woolery, where I bought the entire stock of Bearfoot and Trekking XXL. No, seriously. Of course, by the time I got there, there were only a few skeins left:
Take special notice of the one on the right. That's our Olympic contender, so you'll be seeing a lot of it in the next few weeks. I also picked up some needles - DPNs for the Olympics, and the needles for Salina, which I'm not starting until I finish a few other things. Nope, I'm not. Right.
Posted by Kat at February 5, 2006 08:16 PM