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July 19, 2006

That wasn't quite the plan.

More about me than you ever wanted to know

The T seemed to be having another existential crisis tonight. Which meant that it took twice as long as usual to get to class. Which meant no Au Bon Pain for me. But a very sweet classmate insisted I take half her sandwich - from Whole Foods! Exciting! (I guess she usually has half for lunch and half for dinner, but she had a lunch appointment today, so ended up with an extra half.) I'll have to go try their sandwiches myself sometime, because even without its main ingredient (ham, which I don't like, so my classmate put it all on her half), this sandwich was GREAT.

There was... something else I was going to say. But it has entirely left my brain, apparently. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.

Posted by Kat at July 19, 2006 11:38 PM

Oh Whole Foods is much yummier than ABP. I love their sandwiches.

Posted by: Lauren at July 20, 2006 12:26 AM

Oh, Whole Foods is dangerous. They're so good.

Posted by: Kristy at July 20, 2006 12:47 AM
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