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August 10, 2006

Randomer than Wednesday


Right? If randoms are on a day other than Wednesday they're even randomer? I think Cate said so, and she's the originator of the randoms things, so...

1. Yoga is fun! I had a bad experience with it in college (took a class way too early in the morning, and it was a "all levels/beginners welcome" but everyone else had been doing it for years so I was very self-conscious and never understood what was going on), but I wanted to give it another try, so now I'm using A.M. and P.M. Yoga for Beginners and wow, I love it. I'd definitely recommend it. Perhaps the best part is that I've been sleeping SO much better on the nights when I do the P.M. practice.

2. Remember my pretty new sock yarn? Well, Dyenamics now has a Web site! Go order from them. They're wonderful, I promise.

3. Go read Vickie and Erica's exciting (for them) news. Go ahead. I'll stay here and cry.

4. A friend of mine is going to be the guest on The Colbert Report tonight. Someone I actually know. This blows my mind.

5. I get to go to Tracy's and play with my new fabric tonight. Yay!

6. My parents are visiting this weekend! I haven't seen them in a while, so I'm quite excited. And looking forward to lots of good food.

7. Deplorably little knitting or reading getting done lately, but I can't figure out why I don't seem to have any time. Hmm.

8. Isn't it naptime?

Posted by Kat at August 10, 2006 01:18 PM

Isn't it fun when someone you know is on TV? And a guest on the Colbert Report? Awesome.

I'm not getting any reading or knitting (much) done and I'm trying to stop feeling that way. Like what, I have a quota? A boss? Over my knitting & reading? But I still hear that "lack of accomplishment" buzz.

Yes. It's always naptime somewhere.

Posted by: Carrie K at August 10, 2006 08:01 PM

Yoga is fabulous for sleep...sometimes I'll do a few poses at 2am and I can get back to sleep.

And, um, I don't know-you can visit, I can visit. We can schedule knitting dinners. Maybe even a quilting dinner or two. Though, I suspect it'll be difficult to get both Vickie & me in the same place (outside of work that is) for a few months.

Posted by: Erica at August 11, 2006 12:53 AM

#7 - I have the same problem. If you figure it out, please let me know!

Posted by: Chris at August 11, 2006 10:21 AM

Hiya Kat - I was just curious whether the SRP is still in progress? Did the updates just get to be too much? Thanks...

Posted by: Chris at August 12, 2006 05:02 PM
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