After work today, I went to Home Depot and bought a trash can. An outside trash can, so I don't have to go to the transfer station every time I have a bag of trash. Now, I've made larger - and certainly more expensive - house-type purchases, like a couch and... well, other stuff, I'm sure. But for some reason, buying a trash can seemed incredibly adult.
But really, that's no excuse for the AARP to send me another membership invitation. I mean, come on. Really.
In other house-related news, I seem to have finally convinced my landlord that when I say "The roof is leaking," I mean "No, really. The ROOF is LEAKING. Get up there and look at it. NOW."
Posted by Kat at August 25, 2006 06:03 PM
Congrats on you new ADULT status. I felt like a real adult when I had to buy a rake. What a stupid thing but we had a yard full of leaves. Funny the house didn't make me adult it was the stupid rake.
Maybe that's why I'm fighting painting the bathroom in my condo so much - I've had the dang condo for 4 years and "test paint" on the wall since last fall...
I bought a full place setting for four yesterday. I don't feel much more adult just yet, but I'm "buying" a bedroom set right before I move-- hopefully paying for (and subsequently moving) that will force me into feeling adultish. Most of the time I just feel like I'm playing house.
I know what you mean... I had a job, had a lease, had bought my own bed, was paying my bills, but didn't feel like a grown-up until I had a home phone and cable installed. That was what knocked me off my rocker a bit and made me feel like a member of the adult world.
Posted by: Eliz at August 26, 2006 09:59 AM
Maybe because a trash can is a purely practical purchase? Whereas a couch can be more of a decorative thing.... *shrug*
This weekend we had bark mulch delivered, to attempt to make our yard look presentable -- it definitely made me feel frighteningly adult.
(But don't worry, we still hardly ever mow the lawn)