She doesn't know it, but Cate just totally saved my sanity. I was at that point. You know that point. The one where actually doing work is out of the question, and the only way you're coping is by listening to the Veronica Mars soundtrack really loudly and designing complicated cable patterns in your head? See, I knew you knew that point.
So anyway, I was at that point, and checked Bloglines, and there was Cate (who I think has seen a lot of that point recently herself) with this link, and whooosh, I felt sanity begin to creep back. Seriously. Just click it. Then go thank Cate.
Posted by Kat at September 19, 2006 03:54 PM
So I'm sitting here hating my life hating the kids my husband the blasted weedy garden all the pets and even our caterpillars. I have to cook food and provide leaves for said people. I haen't touced fiber and I'm thinking mass murder or running away to the wilderness to live alone in a cave. So yes the link really helped. I added it to my favorites.
Posted by: Maryellen at September 19, 2006 07:02 PM