Happy Halloween, to those who celebrate it! I'm headed over to the home of a friend who lives in a neighborhood that's more... neighborhood-like. Because I love trick-or-treaters, but I live in probably the worst spot possible for them. My road is busy with lots of blind curves, and my apartment is rather well-hidden.
So I'm off to eat give out candy, watch addictive TV, and work frantically on magazine stuff. Then at midnight we start our novels. Wheee!
Posted by Kat at October 31, 2006 06:17 PM
All the best to you for NaNoWriMo, Kat! Me, I spent the evening with the Craft Goddesses over at Panera. Tonight was the one year anniversary of Knitting at Panera, which began on Halloween last year when I tested the concept of sitting there all evening, drinking iced tea and knitting. Here's hoping your schedule loosens up enough one day again to let you join us, whether on a Tuesday or a Thursday!