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November 10, 2006

Wheee Friday Randoms


It's been an odd week. All yesterday, I was convinced it was either Wednesday or Friday. In this context, I was convinced it was Wednesday, and all set to do randoms, and then I realized it was Thursday. And then I signed up for the reading challenge and posted about that instead. Which is a long way of saying "Hey, how about some randomly timed randoms?"

1. Thanks for the comments on the scarf. Blocking. Huh. Hadn't occurred to me. (Really.) For those who asked: pattern here, yarn here.

2. What's next? Last night I started some wrist warmers, and I hope to have them done by the end of the weekend. (A friend and I are planning a lot of TV/movie watching and crafting.) Then I'm making a Shedir hat for a friend who's having brain surgery next month. Then... I'm going to start a sweater. And then I'm going to FINISH a sweater. Because, as we all know, I've never actually done that. What sweater? I'm still discussing that with myself. Stay tuned for updates.

3. From November 18 to December 2, I will be taking a break from the above to knit for charity as part of Knit Unto Others. Won't you join us? I will be knitting a few scarves and/or hats for needy patients at the inner city clinic where my mother works as a pediatrician. I may start a little early, because the Shedir pattern is pretty complicated, so I will need some mindless knitting as well. (Yes, I told you that a complicated pattern would be where the one-at-a-time rule would break down. I think two at a time is acceptable.)

4. Speaking of which, the "one book at a time rule" broke too. (Hah, like my grammar there? The rule broke. I didn't break it.) It wasn't the Winter Reading Challenge that did it, though. It was something even vaguely work-related. There's a particular book that the store where I work is pushing this holiday season, and I wanted to read it before I push it, so I know what I'm talking about. So I'm reading a chapter a day of that, and then back to Thunderstruck. Which is taking FOREVER. Possibly because I've been reading for about five minutes a day. But still. I've been reading it for a few weeks and I'm only on page forty-something. When I finish the other book, I'll probably keep going with the "a few pages of Thunderstruck a day" while I read the Winter Challenge books. Because otherwise there's just no way. So. Two books at a time, too.

5. For you local people: I have an article about Melissa Leapman in this week's Hippo. (For the non-locals, that's the name of the biggest weekly newspaper in New Hampshire. No, really. It's not short for anything, or anything. It's really called The Hippo. We're a little odd up here.) It doesn't seem to be online, but please pick one up if you see it! I'm proud. :-)

6. Look for a sidebar overhaul soon. Part of that will be splitting my blogrolls. I'm going to be taking knitting-related blogs out of my personal Bloglines account, because they're going in the Yarn Life blogroll and I read them there, and the regular one just gets cluttered with all these things that they're telling me are new but that I've actually already read. So. If it looks like I unsubscribe from you sometime in the next few days, don't worry. I'm still reading. Just consolidating accounts.

7. Once again, my weekend was supposed to be open and relaxing, but now I have plans for tonight (meeting a knitblogger! Want to check before I post much about it, though), Saturday night, Sunday morning, and Sunday late afternoon/early evening. Plus my normal shift at the bookstore all day Saturday. Gah. How does this happen?

Posted by Kat at November 10, 2006 03:10 PM

I just wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying YarnLife. It's cozy!

Posted by: --Deb at November 10, 2006 06:32 PM

You got to write for Hippo, I am so jealous (even if it was a one-time deal). Don't get me started on the many times I have kicked my own butt for not sending my resume & clips when I had the chance.

Posted by: Ali at November 11, 2006 01:24 AM

Congrats on The Hippo article! That's terrific!

Posted by: sprite at November 12, 2006 12:29 PM
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