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July 20, 2007

Perfect Evening

Pretty Pictures

Yesterday after work, I'd planned to go to the library, make some stir-fry, maybe watch a DVD. But by 3:30 or so, it was raining, hard, and cooling off, and I realized that I was going to be useless that evening for anything but making soup, drinking tea, knitting, and reading a British novel. So when I got home I ransacked the cupboards for vegetable stock and barley, dug random CSA veggies out the fridge, and threw together some vegetable barley soup:

Veggie Soup

While the soup spent most of the evening simmering, I drank tea, knit a sock, and reread the sixth Harry Potter book in preparation for the new one tomorrow.

Perfect Evening

Ahhh. Lovely.

Posted by Kat at July 20, 2007 09:52 AM

What a perfect evening! I love staying home and relaxing. Can't wait for my HP book to arrive either!

Posted by: robin at July 20, 2007 11:03 AM

I gotta say: I'm impressed you can knit and read. Did you see HP5? We went over the weekend and were fairly pleased. I was glad to see Umbridge's nastiness reduced for the screen. I'm not a fan of that book, in general though.

Oh, do we get to see any pics from you MLS graduation??

Posted by: Courtney at July 20, 2007 11:03 AM

I got a lot of knitting and reading done last night, too, although I was reading Sex, Murder and a Double Latte. I'm listening to the HP books as I drive around and I'm only 1/3 through 4....

Posted by: Chris at July 20, 2007 03:40 PM

That sounds like a very nice evening. Once I read this HP, I'm going back to read them all slowly. I always rip through so fast that I barely remember what happened.

Posted by: Sonya at July 21, 2007 08:21 PM

I wish every night could be like that! Wish I could read and knit for that matter ;)

Posted by: Carol at July 22, 2007 08:43 AM

Well, that sounds like my favorite night.
Tea, a book,(sometimes on CD) knitting and vegtable barley soup.... makes me hungry and want fall to come! LOL

Posted by: Silver Ilix at July 24, 2007 12:55 AM

That sounds like a perfect evening indeed!

Posted by: Theresa at July 24, 2007 10:17 AM

Okay, so how is the HP7 going? Cuz I just know you're reading straight through, like I did. Mmmm, homemade soup.....

Posted by: carrie at July 27, 2007 08:32 AM
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