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November 13, 2007

Commitment to Loveliness, November 11

Jumping on the bandwagon

Commitment to Loveliness

Coming in a little late again... ah well. Mine for the week mostly have to do with preparations for winter and the holidays:

1. Work out a new routine for weekly chores and laundry. I've been doing the bulk of it on weekends, but through the end of the year I'm away for most weekends so I have to start doing more during the week.
2. Put away my summer clothes and reorganize my closet and dresser.
3. Plan (and test as necessary) my contributions to the family Thanksgiving Dinner.
4. Make my Christmas card list and start looking for cards I like.
5. Finish at least ten Christmas gifts. (Don't worry, some are very small!)

Posted by Kat at November 13, 2007 09:08 AM
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