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January 03, 2008

Booking Through Thursday: Anticipation

Bookish , Jumping on the bandwagon

Today's question:

What new books are you looking forward to most in 2008? Something new being published this year? Something you got as a gift for the holidays? Anything in particular that you’re planning to read in 2008 that you’re looking forward to? A classic, or maybe a best-seller from 2007 that you’re waiting to appear in paperback?

As I mentioned, I'm looking forward to reading lots of Austen. I am also looking forward to a few books coming out by favorite authors, including Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (April 1), Jane Haddam (April 15), Stephenie Meyer (May 6), Meg Cabot (several). I got a few books for Christmas that I haven't started yet, including The Rest Is Noise and The Amateur Gourmet.

Posted by Kat at January 3, 2008 11:54 AM

I have all Austen. However I will re-read a few of her books.

Booking through anticipation

Posted by: gautami tripathy at January 3, 2008 12:22 PM

I'm looking forward to the new Peter Robinson, which is due in March, I believe.
If you're on Ravelry, you might be interested in the "Austentatious Fiber Artists" group, which is currently doing a readalong/knitalong of Emma.

Posted by: Marlyn at January 3, 2008 01:17 PM

Austen is always good.

Enjoy your 2008 reading. Happy new year!

Posted by: karen (morsie) at January 3, 2008 03:47 PM

Persuasion is the first in the series, if you didn't already know. Wait, isn't that your favorite Austen?

Posted by: Carrie K at January 4, 2008 01:55 PM
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