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May 09, 2008

Signing up for Summer of Socks 2008

Summer of Socks 2008

Thanks to Kung Fu Knitting's post, I just signed up for the Summer of Socks. (Here's the Ravelry group.) I've been trying to avoid knitalongs and stuff for a while, because I just end up stressing myself out about them, but while moving I've discovered (hah!) that I have a lot of sock yarn, and I'd like to actually get some of it knitted up. And this is a nice low-stress sort of knitalong, with no particular number of socks to commit to or anything. I might even have a chance in the Vacation Socks contest, since I'll be taking my socks to the Bahamas. Wheee! Who else is playing?

Posted by Kat at May 9, 2008 04:49 PM

I signed up last week -- and then bought three more skeins of sock yarn when I was at MDS&W on Sunday.

I suppose an inventory of my sock yarn might be in order before the games begin...

Posted by: sprite at May 9, 2008 05:32 PM
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