Don't you wish you worked in my department?*
Food and cooking
Tomorrow, being as it is the last Friday of the month, is Random Dessert Friday at work. It is also one friend/coworker's last day, so I made him his favorite dessert:

And another friend/coworker's birthday was earlier this month, so I wanted to make her a cake. Unfortunately, she can't eat wheat. Luckily, Chris came to the rescue with her One-Bowl Flourless Chocolate Cake recipe. (I mostly followed it - the birthday girl really likes her chocolate sweet rather than dark, so I used semisweet in the cake instead of bittersweet, and milk chocolate in the glaze instead of semisweet.) The recipe included that dreaded phrase: invert the cake onto a plate. I'm always afraid that my cake won't come out of the pan at that point or will fall apart or crack or something. So when it didn't, I was so proud of my inversion-onto-plate skills that I had to take a picture:

And here's the completed cake, smothered in glaze:

I think it will be a yummy Friday at the office tomorrow.
* Actually, in case anyone does wish they worked in my department: we're hiring a bunch of people. Leave a comment if you want more info.
Posted by Kat at May 29, 2008 10:21 PM
You'll have to let me know how it tastes! It looks wonderful. Mmmm... chocolate... I've done variations like that, too, depending on my target audience and what sort of chocolate I have in the chocolate drawer.
hmm. that's a new version of it [it=flourless chocolate cake] to me. the one we normally have has a dash of instant coffee in it. looks yummy... maybe i'll make me one today. i've not had cake in a while. :)
(if i lived closer i'd ask more, but i doubt i can commute from brooklyn) ;)