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July 11, 2008

Daily Reading (7/11/08)

Today on the Internets

You've probably noticed that I've mostly stopped with the daily politics links, mostly because the primaries are over and there's not all that much going on right now. So I think I'm going to transition that into a "Daily Reading" post, with suggested links on politics as well as whatever other subjects have caught my interest that day. I think it's a nice way of sharing a bunch of links without tons of one-line posts. Yes? No? Let me know.

A list of the Top 10 Flawed Romantic Heroines. Now I want to read most of those. And reread Possession. Mmm. What a great book.

What's the best argument for Obama picking Nunn for VP? The headline possibilities, of course. (Want to learn more about Nunn? Here's a nice profile.)

A fantasy all-media administration. Hee.

A nice mosaic of lots and lots of Obama magazine covers.

Wait. Did John McCain really just realize how Social Security works?

The Times goes on a quest for the perfect chocolate chip cookie. It's making me hungry.

Posted by Kat at July 11, 2008 05:26 PM


Posted by: penny at July 11, 2008 06:21 PM

I love Persuasion as well! Definately worth re-reading.

Posted by: Melinda at July 12, 2008 06:40 AM
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