Halloween Week Breakfast
Food and cooking
One nice thing about my insistence on getting up inexplicably early is that if I decide I want a fresh muffin for breakfast, well, I have time to make that happen:

These are Smitten Kitchen's Pumpkin Muffins. I followed the recipe almost exactly: I didn't have pumpkin pie spice blend, so I used my own mix of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, and cloves. The recipe was great, and hit that rare level of being easy and quick to accomplish but still producing that "Wow, look what I just made FROM SCRATCH" feeling. They're delicious as is but I might try adding walnuts next time.
And now I'm out of sugar, eggs, and muffin tin liners all at the same time. Odd. But I DO have 3/4 cup of pumpkin left, so if anyone has any suggestions for that, let me know. Why can't they just make the cans of pumpkin hold two cups instead of 1.75?? Yes, I know, it's so next time I need a cup I have to buy another whole can. Bah. Also, I have to say that my coworkers seem to appreciate my early morning baking fits. (Because really, what am I going to do with a dozen muffins?)

So, who wants to come over for breakfast?
Update: Yeah, so much for following the recipe. I left out the baking soda! Oops. They rose plenty and taste fine anyway...
Posted by Kat at October 27, 2009 07:43 AM