Snowy Sunday
Pretty Pictures
We got our first real snow of the season over the weekend, so I took some pictures for you while my car was warming up on the way to church Sunday morning.
The house is prettiest in the snow:

"It's always been one of my dreams to live near a brook."*

The "snow-covered mailbox" thing is pretty and all, but it would be better if my mailbox closed the whole way. This way the mail just gets all wet.

They are talking about building dozens of houses down past my house this way, but this time of year it's mostly just hunters who go down there. I'm surprisingly okay with hunting in general, but guys walking down the middle of my road with guns always kind of freaks me out.

Really, this whole set could be called "Why I Live in New Hampshire."

Directly across the street:

It was the nice heavy kind of snow that stays on the trees. (And causes power outages, but that's a different issue.)

This sort of down-the-road shot always reminds me of a shot in the credits of something. Avonlea, maybe?

* I was going to offer bonus points to whomever got the quote, but, really - Hi there, Rachel! (And Courtney?)
Posted by Kat at December 8, 2009 07:34 AM