In this all-around amusing TV Guide video of various actors backstage at the press tour, Bradley Whitford says that his quirky talent is tying his legs behind his head:
But he won't/can't do it in those jeans. Never fear! He did it on Ellen a few years ago:
So there you have it.
Posted by Kat at January 21, 2010 06:15 PM
OMG, every time I see him do that I wince! The man is unbelievably flexible. I once read an article written by his older brother who commented "Brad has the flexibility of a new born"!
Posted by: Kathy at January 21, 2010 07:10 PM
And oddly, both clips also involve people who do bird calls!
Bradley is really limber, isn't he?
Posted by: Cocoonivus at January 22, 2010 06:22 PM