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February 01, 2010

Time for a new/old hobby


At my parents' house the other night, I played the piano for a few minutes, and it was the most relaxing thing I've done in recent memory. I took lessons from about age six to fourteen, but I hadn't really played in years. From age ten to seventeen or so, the violin was my main instrument, and I was pretty serious about it for a while. I still play sometimes, but I discovered that, for whatever reason, I get more out of playing the piano at this point. I don't know if it's because I started it earlier, or was never quite as serious about it, or maybe because the piano just works better as a primarily solitary instrument. It's also much easier to just sit down and play for a few minutes - getting out the violin and bow and tuning and everything is much more of a process.

I was going to say that it seems like piano playing might be one of those "like riding a bike" things, but honestly, I've always found it much easier to play the piano than it was to ride a bike. In any event, I did better than I'd expected; I found the sheet music for a Bach piece I'd played years ago, and I certainly didn't do a good job of it, but I managed and I think it was even recognizable. And it was just so much fun. When I got home last night, I pulled out all my old sheet music, and - well, for one thing, it's certainly an interesting mix that I might have to write about at some point. For the moment, it's all sitting on my kitchen table, and it's so nice to have it out, especially my beloved Bach . . .

All of which is to say: I think I'm going to finally do what I've been talking about doing for years and buy a digital piano. (More affordable and easier to handle than a real piano.) And I'm determined to get into the habit of playing regularly. I'll let you know how it goes.

Posted by Kat at February 1, 2010 03:00 PM

Yay! Now that my semester routine is established, I need to work piano practice back into it. It's been... a LOT of years since I played regularly and I'm VERY rusty. (although I find that quick fingerwork is easier than I thought it would be -- maybe even easier than it USED to be -- maybe due to the fact that in the intervening 16 years I've learned to type 100 wpm.)


Posted by: Rachel at February 1, 2010 03:36 PM

I like this. :) I'd also like in theory to get back to playing the piano at some point, although I took lessons for much less time than you did (two or three years). How will this fit into your time-usage plans for the new year? And on a related note (potential future post?), did you end up coming up with a strategy for working your resolutions into your life?

Posted by: your cousin Liz at February 1, 2010 03:45 PM
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