Zig-Zag Scarf
2010 Finishes: Knitting
I made this for a church auction:

(Yes, I've decided that the piano makes a nice backdrop for knitting pictures. Especially because it's in one of the better-lit spots in the house.)
It's mistake rib, which is one of my favorite scarf stitches: easy but not boring, reversible, and unisex. Just cast on a multiple of 3 (I think I did 42 here, because, well, you know) and *K2, P1* (repeat) on each row. The yarn is Patons Classic Wool - my default worsted wool - and I've lost the ballband but I think the color is Palais. Yes, it does the zig-zaggy thing itself. Love it. I may have to make one (or several) for myself in the various colorways. (Ravelry page here.)
Posted by Kat at February 15, 2010 11:00 AM