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March 07, 2010

Picoult-a-Thon: Part Four (229-307)


Okay. Things that are driving me crazy:

1. Still with the way Jacob's sections are written. I guess I have nothing new to say about this, but it's either getting worse or bothering me more as time goes on.
2. When Oliver does the Fibonacci sequence thing, why does he get it wrong? Why doesn't Jacob mind? Why do so many characters think the sequence is nonsense? Didn't they go to fifth grade?
3. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that Emma's twice-a-week newspaper column, in Burlington of all places, is a full time job with benefits. No way. This is nuts. It just seems so CARELESS.
4. The various descriptions just don't sound like the Burlington area, either.
5. It seems a little too convenient that Oliver lives above the pizza place where Jess, Mark, and Jacob went. I am waiting for it to become INCREDIBLY SIGNIFICANT at some point.
All that said, I'm still finding this a compelling read. I like Theo and Oliver more and more, and I still don't like Emma and don't know why. I don't think my predictions have really changed since last time.

Posted by Kat at March 7, 2010 01:32 PM

#2 -- that bothered me too.

#3 -- I hadn't thought of that, but you're so right.

Emma is just kind of boring. Also, she's really not a very good mother. She's fine with Jacob, but look, you just DON'T neglect one kid to deal with the other kid's special needs. That only happens in books or seriously dysfunctional households. Good parents are aware of the need for balance there.

Posted by: Rachel at March 7, 2010 03:37 PM
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