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May 20, 2010

Do we need to do this to Vivaldi?


I suppose after Immortal Beloved it was just a matter of time before movie makers decided other classical composers would make for good period dramas. Now that I think about it, I'm amazed there isn't a movie about the Schumanns. (Is there?) Or Tchaikovsky. Or Bach, with all those kids. But Vivaldi? Not my first choice for a period romance. And yet Raffaella De Laurentiis, whose name I am astonished I spelled correctly on the first try, is making one. (Oh! Giada's aunt! That's why I thought I recognized the name.) I mean, I'm all for historical movies in general, but . . . we all know Vivaldi was a priest, right? (There were rumors about his relationship with this woman, but so far as I know most modern scholars don't believe anything was going on.) But then, I suppose ecclesiastical sex scandals are somewhat timely. Still. I am skeptical. And on the casting: Luke Evans has done a fair number of historical movies, although I don't actually remember him from Clash of the Titans. But there's a reason Vivaldi was called The Red Priest. Okay, multiple reasons, but one of the reasons was his red hair. So, please, dye Evans's hair, and hope he looks believable as a redhead. Jessica Biel is playing the love interest, and while I don't actually have anything against her in general, but she always plays as very modern, and I found that distracting in The Illusionist.

Oh well. At least we know the soundtrack will be good!

Posted by Kat at May 20, 2010 03:00 PM
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