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July 15, 2010

Review: Rumors

2010 Finishes: Books

Rumors by Anna Godbersen
Genre: YA historical
Pages: 423
Rating: 7.8

This is the second in the Luxe series; you can read my thoughts on the first here. To recap, it's basically like Gossip Girl set in 1899. A fair amount of serious plot stuff happened - maybe more than in the first one - but it wasn't quite as absorbing as the original book. The middle got a little tiresome, but it picked up again at the end. I definitely am more into some of the characters' storylines than others - I'm fascinated by Chuck Bass Henry and like the Holland family, but could easily do without Penelope and with a lot less Lina. And I would have liked to hear a lot more about Liz's Western Adventure. That said, there were enough huge events toward the end of the book - forced weddings! deaths! characters seemingly returned from the dead! - to make me reasonably eager, albeit not frantic, to read the next one.

Posted by Kat at July 15, 2010 01:00 PM
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