iPad Case!
My iPad case (the official Apple one) arrived yesterday, and as soon as I figured out the somewhat cryptic instructions, it became clear that this was the answer to all the slight awkwardness I've encountered in using the iPad. It makes it a million times easier to carry around, and to use on a table or on my lap or even in bed. Would you like a tour? Of course you would. (Sorry for the poor quality of some of the pictures, but I think you'll get the idea.)
Closed, it looks like a portfolio:

And opens like a book:

The flap tucks in to a little pocket in the back, which allows it to sit at a nice angle for typing:

And it stands up (and is surprisingly steady!) for watching video:

It's delightful. If you have an iPad, I definitely recommend the case.
Posted by Kat at July 21, 2010 02:00 PM