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July 29, 2010

Royal Pains 2.5: "Mano a Mano"

TV: Royal Pains

The boys are still in Cuba. I'm bored, but then I'm not, but I'm still not buying the whole thing. More after the jump.

Cuba: At the beginning of the episode, I was annoyed that they were still in Cuba, and the kidnapping bit was a little farfetched. (Because, you know, this show is usually so realistic!) But then the Cuba stuff got more interesting when they got into the political issues, but it still felt wrong - it was a little too heavy for this show. So . . . I don't know. I think my position is still that the Cuba plot was a mistake, overall. I did really like that they didn't subtitle all the Spanish, though.

Boris: Oh, Boris. I'm glad he didn't die, of course, but I'd also rather he be back in the Hamptons with the boys. The split screen thing when Hank was saving him was weird, and didn't feel as urgent as it should have.

Lawson brothers: There was a very cute brotherly moment at the end. I like how they get annoyed with each other frequently, but don't pretend to hate each other or anything. And bonus: no dad stuff in this episode!

Divya and Jill: The concert thing was a little silly, but I love the Divya/Jill friendship and I hope they continue to develop that.

Peck: She's still pretty ridiculously awful. And apparently she's sticking around, to be some sort of competition for Hank. And/or a love interest? But Jill is so much better. Sigh.

Posted by Kat at July 29, 2010 09:00 AM
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