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August 23, 2010

Morning Coffee (8/23/10)

Morning Coffee

Ah, Monday, we meet again. But it's raining and only going to be 64 out! I'm so happy!

Vampire Diaries fans MUST read this: Super Sekrit Adventures of a Hot History-Teachin’ Vampire Slayer

On GMA, a whole high school football team is sick and it's a big mystery. Hmm.

Here's the other TWoP gallery that goes with the one I posted yesterday: Fall TV Preview: Best and Worst New Shows

E! has a Fall Movie Preview Gallery.

Explaining baseball to aliens

Posted by Kat at August 23, 2010 09:00 AM

And here I am happy that it gonna be in the 90s this coming weekend. sigh. 64 is a dream land away. Fall is way too far.

Posted by: aisling at August 23, 2010 10:17 AM
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