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August 26, 2010

Morning Coffee (8/26/10)

Morning Coffee

Happy Thursday! Votes are still being counted in Alaska, but in hotter news, the votes are tallied for EW's Sexiest Beast Contest, and Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) of The Vampire Diaries officially beat Edward Cullen of Twilight in the finals. Good job, Internet! Real vampires have sex and kill people and do not sparkle. I'm glad we've learned this. And individual roles aside, Somerhalder is obviously much more attractive than Pattinson. So.

If you need evidence of that, check out these new Vampire Diaries season two cast portraits. No big news here, just, you know, pretty people are pretty. My favorite, of course, involves a waistcoat and bookcases.

A lot of people say a lot of things about fandom and fan communities, but they really can make incredible things happen.

Notice: Tonight is the season finale of Royal Pains. Set your DVRs accordingly.

Tubey Award Winners!

James Marsters is getting his own superhero show.

Would you like to see Brennan seeing Booth's new girlfriend? here you go.

FiveThirtyEight is now at the Times.

I've always thought public proposals were really awful.

The eternal question: What killed Mozart?

Posted by Kat at August 26, 2010 09:00 AM
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