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October 06, 2010

Morning Coffee (10/6/10)

Morning Coffee

Mystery: My alarm LOOKED like it went off this morning, but I didn't actually hear anything. Which means I got up two hours late. Ugh. Hope your Wednesday is going better than mine!

The Facebook Movie Facebook Feed Brilliant.

Is Mercury in Retrograde? (No. But it looks like December will be just delightful.)

The latest Gossip Girl Reality Index: "Sorry, but while we may believe that Chuck Bass would hand over a jumbo-size check to the “Gulf Coast Fisherman’s Relief Fund,” we do not believe he would authorize the use of Comic Sans. Minus 3." Point. Also, "No one in the history of time has ever sneaked up on a person at a laptop and not looked at what was on their screen. Especially not someone who is in the midst of a complicated scheme to bring down a whole group of friends, using the Internet. Minus 5 for Juliet’s lack of sleuthiness."

Tumblr of the day: Incredulous Kristy

The West Wing Cast: Where Are They Now?

Posted by Kat at October 6, 2010 09:00 AM
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