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January 15, 2011

The Golden Globes are tomorrow!


Yay! We get an awards show tomorrow night! And it's a fun one - the Golden Globes, which cover both movies and TV, and which tend to be kind of wacky. Hm, I thought I'd liveblogged last year, but maybe I'm thinking of the SAG Awards.

But this year! I will be liveblogging with the lovely Melissa over at TheTelevixen (the site where I recap a few shows). We'll get started at 7pm Eastern, to cover the red carpet coverage, and then the ceremony itself starts an hour later.

Now, I would not EVER suggest that you should read a different liveblog instead of ours, but if you like to multitask, check out New York's Vulture blog, where the incomparable Fug Girls will be liveblogging the red carpet, and then the Daily Beast, where Choire Sicha and Kate Aurthur will be all over the ceremony. (I'll probably be reading both of these liveblogs the next morning.)

And what do I want to win the actual awards, you ask? I'm working on that. I'm trying to marathon a bunch of movies today, and then I'll get a post of my picks up for you tonight. If I manage to see another movie or two before the ceremony tomorrow, I'll update it. (Thank God for Netflix.) I have, at least, seen the six movies that have been nominated for four or more awards each, so that's decent, I think. Oddly, given all the TV I watch, I don't watch much that gets nominated for things like this. Ah well.

Posted by Kat at January 15, 2011 10:00 AM
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