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January 22, 2011

Can we talk about Michael Buble?


Does anyone else find Michael Buble's new single "Hollywood" to be kind of . . . baffling? I'm mean, it's just so judgy for something coming from A BIG FAMOUS POP STAR. I mean, sure, he's not exactly a teen idol, but he's not a toiling unknown who eschews commercial success, either. It sounds so bitter and un-self-aware that I started wondering if it was aimed at some particular ex-girlfriend or something, because seriously, so much contempt. But then I watched the video:

And it really does seem to be talking about . . . alternate versions of himself? So I guess I'm just back to being confused. What I am not confused about: Please grow a beard like your Western alter ego, Michael Buble. That's a good look for you.

Posted by Kat at January 22, 2011 10:05 AM

It sounds more like he's counseling himself and everyone else to do what they love and not take the word of an agent or anyone else. At the end of it. In the beginning? Not so much.

Plus, he got to wear cool costumes in the video.

Posted by: Carrie#K at January 27, 2011 03:28 PM
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