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January 22, 2011

Pilot Review: Fairly Legal


I watched USA's new legal-ish drama Fairly Legal last night, because as I've said, I like pretty much every show USA makes. And so far, this one seems . . . fine. Kate Reed (Sarah Shahi) is a lawyer-turned-mediator with a complicated family life and a really annoying habit of being late for everything. I know a lot of people were excited about Shahi getting a show, but I'm not sure I'd ever seen her in anything; for me, the draw was Michael Trucco of Battlestar Galactica and Castle, who plays Kate's ex-husband. The cast is solid all around, and Virginia Williams as Kate's maybe-not-so-wicked stepmother was an unexpected delight.

But as far as the plot . . . meh. The legal issues dealt with in the pilot weren't particularly interesting. But I'm not sure that's the point. They did provide a good basis for establishing the characters and the dynamics of their interactions, which is more important for a pilot, at least to me. I'm intrigued enough by these characters' stories and how they all work and live together to keep watching. It just occurred to me that USA's "Characters Welcome" motto probably explains a lot of why I like all their shows. I want compelling characters who have complex, multi-level interactions with each other. If the cases of the week are interesting too, well, that's a bonus. Kate Reed and company aren't as compelling as the Lawson brothers or Neal Caffrey or Mary Shannon yet, but they have potential, and I'm willing to give them some time to get there.

Posted by Kat at January 22, 2011 10:24 AM

Clearly my day for commenting. Go and get the DVD's, for Life. Damian Lewis and Sarah Shahi are...well it's worth watching and a huge shame they didn't continue with the series.

Posted by: Nic Dempsey at January 22, 2011 01:53 PM

Sarah Shahi had a major role playing Shane's love interest, Carmen, on Showtime's series "The L Word".

I caught most of the "Fairly Legal" pilot. At first, I was a little put off by her nonstop smiling persona (a bit odd for someone whose father had died only a week earlier) but as the pilot continued, the character developed and she became more real (and stopped smiling 24/7).

It's pretty good. I'm going to give it a couple more viewings before I make the final call.

Posted by: Jeanne B. at January 22, 2011 08:38 PM

I didn't expect to like it but I did. Possibly because of Michael Trucco. Her day was a little far fetched but oh well. At least she ran in heels.

Posted by: Carrie#K at January 27, 2011 03:30 PM
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