Morning Coffee (3/8/11)
Morning Coffee
It's Tuesday. It's cold again. Blah.
Tonight's TV picks: White Collar season finale! Also Lights Out, Traffic Light, Glee.
I love campaign season:
The magical shrinking GOP field
Can Mitt Romney win?
An interesting profile, such as it is, of Callista Gingrich.
Oh, John McCain, not quite.
Arizona might get a Tea Party license plate.
Hey, look, it's a project James Franco is no longer doing. Amazing.
The "paper beats rock" thing is nonsense.
How to Always Get a Seat at a Crowded Coffee Shop
Is ANYONE surprised that Glee is releasing a Warblers album?
There is no Summer Glau curse, folks.
Posted by Kat at March 8, 2011 07:11 AM