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April 01, 2011

Introducing the Book of the Month!

BotM: Demon's Lexicon

Welcome to the first of our Book of the Month series. Basically, I'm going to pick a book I love each month and put up a bunch of posts trying to get you to read it, too. This month's book is The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan. I've given you a link to Amazon there; you can also of course find it at other bookstores, your local library, or in a variety of (legal!) ebook formats. And here are the kinds of posts you can expect:

Chapter-Based Discussion Posts We'll discuss certain chapters each week (behind a cut on the main page for spoilers) - I'll put up a post with my thoughts on the designated chapters each Monday, and I encourage you to respond and discuss amongst yourselves in the comments. Here's the schedule:

April 4: Chapters 1-4
April 11: Chapters 5-8
April 18: Chapters 9-12
April 25: Chapters 13-17
(Those are just the dates on which I'll start the discussion; I figure it can last all week if there's interest.)

Topical Posts I'll post my thoughts on certain themes, scenes, etc. If there's a particular topic on which you want my opinion, or something you want me to research, let me know and I'll do my best to oblige.

Music The author released a list of songs she sees as the "soundtrack" for the novel, so I'll be looking them up and posting them for your listening pleasure.

And more! Look for an interview with Sarah Rees Brennan, a few guest posts, and whatever else I come up with! (If you've already read the book and are interested in writing a guest post, let me know!)

I can't promise a post EVERY day, but there should be posts MOST days. I'm excited about this new project, and I hope you all enjoy it! And please, read the book!

Posted by Kat at April 1, 2011 07:30 AM
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