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April 11, 2011

Morning Coffee (4/11/11)

Morning Coffee

Good morning! Monday again. I'm only working three days again, and then I'm finally moving, and also doing some traveling in the middle of it. So . . . I'm not sure what posts will look like for the next two weeks, but I'll keep up as best I can.

Tonight's TV Picks: Castle, The Chicago Code, HIMYM, Being Human

This letter by Donald Trump in the Times is completely ridiculous.

Extremely important chocolate bunny lawsuit.

When I first read this, I thought they were saying Hugh Jackman might be the prince in the Kristen Stewart Snow White, which sounded . . . mismatched. But no, the huntsman. I guess that works.

Cat and Dolphin Make Friends

Famous scifi scenes made out of peeps.


The first British recession

There is hope for civilization: Christie and Fleming are still Britain's top-earning crime writers.

I will try to reserve judgment on the Wrinkle in Time graphic novel until I actually see it.

Hee: What if every show was on Showtime?

Teenage Girls Who Can Kill You Whenever They Feel Like It

Why do people think it would be good to have no parking law enforcement?

Posted by Kat at April 11, 2011 07:32 AM

As a D.C. resident who would have been affected by the lack of parking enforcement, I admit I might have been excited by the idea of not having to shift the car for street cleaning for a week.

Now, I wouldn't want to give up cleaned streets forever (it gets nasty), but if I was going to pick something to lose for a week, it'd be that over garbage pick-up and libraries being open (which were two other things that weren't going to happen).

Posted by: sprite at April 11, 2011 08:44 AM
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