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April 13, 2011

Morning Coffee (4/13/11)

Morning Coffee

Happy Wednesday! It's my last day of work before moving, so I keep thinking it's Friday, but it's not. Anyway!

Tonight's TV Picks: A new show called Happy Endings premieres on ABC, and reviews are wildly mixed, so I figure I'll give it a try. Also: Justified and Breaking In, which I still need to review, huh?

Gary Johnson is going to make a big announcement in New Hampshire. Gee, I wonder what that could be?

In a move that seems to have surprised practically everyone, including those of us who sell the things, Cisco has killed the Flip camcorder line.

A school in Chicago has banned homemade lunches. I went to a private school that didn't allow them, but it seems different for public.

It makes me happy that the Anything Goes revival is getting so many great reviews. I am determined to see it. This DVD sounds interesting too.

The 10 Most Inexplicable Fictional Games

Before there was Photoshop: 20 Classic Pin-Up Girls, in their original and painted forms.

Hailee Steinfeld as Juliet? I guess that makes sense.

Why well-born Brits often have hyphenated names

A philosophical defense of blogging. Hey, Quine!

Why Aren't You Married Yet?

China has banned fiction about time travel.

Posted by Kat at April 13, 2011 07:33 AM

1) Apparently everyone who liked the flip now has an iPhone...

2) I always took my lunch to school. 95% of the time, it was far healthier than school food. Plus, I could actually eat it before the end of the lunch period.

3) Time Travel only leads to paradoxes. And The Doctor.

Posted by: Metzgirl at April 13, 2011 09:32 AM
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