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April 26, 2011

Morning Coffee (4/26/11)

Morning Coffee

Happy Tuesday! The cat is very committed to making sure I get up on time this week.

Tonight's TV pick: Body of Proof

Haley Barbour is not running for president.

Reconsidering the Feminism of Joss Whedon

Library cards are awesome.

This explanation of satisfying literary romance is really good.

Aw, lawmakers in love.

This is spot on: How American showrunners would remake Doctor Who

The Sununus and the Tea Party

Jake Tapper has a book coming out. And, um, so does Lauren Graham. I am wary about the latter.

A good read on sex and YA fiction.

iPads in restaurants? Yes, PLEASE.

The question of gender balance and college admissions is really quite complex.

Posted by Kat at April 26, 2011 05:53 AM
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