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May 31, 2011

Which new summer shows should you try?


Tomorrow is June, and summer TV will be starting! Here are eight new shows that I think might be worth a peek, depending on your interests . . .

If you like unconventional, possibly wacky, lawyer shows . . .

Try Franklin & Bash on TNT on June 1:

or USA Network's Suits on June 23:

If you're looking for science fiction . . .

Try TNT's Falling Skies on June 19:

or Alphas on Syfy on July 11:

If you miss football season . . .

Try USA Network's Necessary Roughness on June 29:

If you need a fix of supernatural teens . . .

Don't miss MTV's Teen Wolf on June 5:

or The Nine Lives of Chloe King on ABC Family on June 14:

And if you prefer your teen drama straight up . . .

Look for ABC Family's Switched at Birth, premiering June 6:

Posted by Kat at May 31, 2011 10:54 PM
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