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Wednesday Randoms
I'm, um, planning ahead. Hard work It's settled. Friday Lunch Watch Wednesday Random Bullet Points Reason #45237 Why I Hate Corporate America Knitting! Pictures! Randoms! On Wednesday! April Reads
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...and a side of existential angst.
2007 Finishes: Books 2007 Finishes: Knitting 2007 UFO Resurrection Challenge 2008 Finishes: Books 2008 Finishes: Crochet 2008 Finishes: Knitting 2009 Finishes: Books 2009 Finishes: Crochet 2009 Finishes: Knitting 2010 Fall TV Handbook 2010 Finishes: Books 2010 Finishes: Knitting 2011 Books 2011 Goals 2012 NH Primary Amazing Lace 2006 Blogathon 2006 Bookish Bradley Whitford Breaking up is hard to do. Candles, candles, everywhere... CHEER Clothes Cross those stitches. Daily Reading Eating locally Endnotes Family Feminist Figure skating Food and cooking Getting to 50,000 Gift Guide Reviews God stuff Hey, look! I finished something! Holiday Music Holidays are supposed to be fun, right? How about a nice cuppa? I cannot believe this is happening. I hate moving. I love lists! I want to know! iPad Jumping on the bandwagon Kittens are cute. Knitting Life stuff Meanwhile, in the outside world... More about me than you ever wanted to know Morning Coffee Movies Music News and whatnot. No, actually, I am not okay. Of course I can knit that before Christmas. Olympic Knitting 2006 Other Crafts Piano Picoult-a-thon Politics and Policy Pop culture Pretty Pictures Product Reviews Programming Note Project Spectrum Quote of the Day Random Kat Facts Randomness Roommate stuff Sanity is overrated. Science! Search Sports Summer of Socks 2008 Summer Reading Program - My Books Summer Reading Program 2006 Tea Tech stuff Thank goodness for friends. The Best TV Show Ever The blog people The examined life The halls of academia The Shonda Rhimes empire These people are in charge? Things I'm Doing TiVo Today on the Internets TV TV and Movies TV: 18 to Life TV: Bones TV: Castle TV: Code 58 TV: Community TV: Covert Affairs TV: Glee TV: Gossip Girl TV: Haven TV: How I Met Your Mother TV: My Boys TV: Off the Map TV: Parenthood TV: Past Life TV: Persons Unknown TV: Pretty Little Liars TV: Rizzoli & Isles TV: Rookie Blue TV: Royal Pains TV: Rubicon TV: Sports Night TV: Supernatural TV: The Bridge TV: The Event TV: The Gates TV: The Good Guys TV: The Mentalist TV: The Vampire Diaries TV: Veronica Mars Warning: Liberal Weather What housework? What, me? Have an opinion? Wheeee! Winter Olympics 2010 WOMAN Challenge 2007 Work Writing Yarn Life You know you knit too much when... You spin me right round, baby.
May 31, 2006Wednesday Randoms1. While I was at work today, my landlord's brother bought and installed a shiny new garbage disposal. (And he does some sort of repairy thing for a living, so it wasn't as sketchy as it sounds.) Now, even before it was leaking, the disposal didn't work - we just used it as a regular drain. The repair means both no more leaking AND we can use the disposal as a disposal. I am BEYOND thrilled about this. No, really. 2. Newest TiVo discovery: Bringing Home Baby. Awww. But why do they constantly put bows in this one-day-old's hair? 3. I got my first Rachael Ray cookbook over the weekend, because friends assured me that her books were not as annoying as her TV personality. I made my first dish from it last night - yum! But, of course, it took an hour, not her promised 30 minutes. And - chop raw bacon? How could ANYONE chop raw bacon and finish a recipe that quickly? 4. Believe it or not, I've been crocheting more than knitting recently. I KNOW. I'm sorry. But I was convinced that my (newly cleaned!) living room would not be complete without a ripple afghan, and once I figured out what the heck to do with the stupid edges, it became strangely addictive. (I am convinced that basically all crochet patterns are wrong, though, because I looked at a bunch of ripple patterns and none of them worked as written.) 5. Hee. I just talked to an online friend on the phone for the first time. I never expect southern accents, even when I know perfectly well where the person lives. I can't tell you how many times this has happened.
Posted by Kat at 08:31 PM
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May 29, 2006I'm, um, planning ahead.All winter I was saying "Huh, it's cold. I should have, I don't know, something to put on my head or something." I know it sounds odd, but I did not seem to own a hat. I tend to not be crazy about wearing hats... but still. I live in New Hampshire. I knit. I should have a hat. Now I do. Just in time for, you know, Memorial Day, but let's not get nitpicky. It's the Asymmetrical Cable Hat from One Skein, in Lamb's Pride Bulky. I really prefer to knit on smaller needles, but I have to admit that it was sort of fun to do something that knit up so quickly. I'm particularly proud of the pom-pom, the first I've made with my new pom-pom maker:
Posted by Kat at 01:09 PM
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May 28, 2006Hard workSo we're having kitchen sink issues. Basically, the faucet works fine, but anything (including water) that we try to put down the drain ends up in the cabinet under the sink. (Yes, the landlord has been notified; he's in the Ukraine at the moment so it's taking him a bit longer than normal to get it fixed.) This means that dishes have to be washed in the dishpan, and then the dishpan full of icky water has to be dumped into the bathroom sink whenever it gets full. Which is about every three minutes, it seems. And I cooked a few times this weekend, and had social obligations that meant leaving soon after eating both times, so when I got home this evening there were a heck of a lot of dishes to do. Now, I read a fair amount of history, especially social history. I know that, until all of the huge advances in household technology in the past fifty to one hundred years or so, routine, everyday housework was a much bigger deal. The phrase "backbreaking labor" is thrown around, and I never doubted it. But now, having this one common task be so much more time consuming and physically difficult than usual is giving me a glimpse of what all that actually means. And wow. I really am impressed by the strength of those generations of women (and some men, of course) who did all of that work every single day, and very grateful that I have all of these conveniences that mean that I have time to knit and read for fun and write a blog and everything else. And I'm also trying to remember the feeling of accomplishment I had when all of those dishes were done and the last basin of water was dumped out and the kitchen was all clean. Maybe it will help convince me to clean more often.
Posted by Kat at 11:11 PM
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May 27, 2006It's settled.Me. Lotus Blossom Shawl. Country Silk in Marrakesh. The Amazing Lace.
Posted by Kat at 07:40 AM
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May 26, 2006Friday Lunch WatchAs you may remember, last Friday my Lean Cuisine pizza was rudely stolen from the freezer here at work. Never one to learn from my mistakes, I have another in there this Friday. I did label it with my initials this time, so let's hope that helps. Stay tuned for updates! 8:10 am: Got to work and checked the freezer while I was putting my Diet Dr. Pepper in the fridge. The pizza is still there, undisturbed. 10:30 am: Checked on the way back from my morning walk, and it's still there. 1 pm: Victory is mine! The pizza has been consumed! (By me!)
Posted by Kat at 08:19 AM
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May 24, 2006Wednesday Random Bullet PointsFirst I have to announce that it's my baby (hah!) brother's sixteenth birthday. Happy Birthday, Dave! Okay, randoms in quick bullet-point form: 1. The Amazing Lace. Joining? 2. Must Love Dogs. Cute! (Thanks for the rec, Cate.) 3. Beef Porcupine Balls. Yum! 4. WEBS. Big. Bought yarn. Pretty. 5. Tristan + Isolde. Worst movie ever. She was reading John Donne. wtf? 6. Me: tired.
Posted by Kat at 08:47 PM
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May 19, 2006Reason #45237 Why I Hate Corporate AmericaAll morning, I'd been looking forward to my lovely Lean Cuisine pizza for lunch. But when I went to take it out of the freezer, it had vanished. Someone ate it. And there are hundreds of people in my building, so I really have no way of tracking down who it was. Bah.
Posted by Kat at 12:57 PM
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May 18, 2006Knitting! Pictures!I told you I was still knitting! I even finished Birch! Not blocked yet, obviously. And, um, apparently all the ends didn't get woven in, either. Oops. Detail: I've also started a chevron sock in lovely, very bright Trekking: But my current obsession is the French Fleurette Scarf in coral Zephyr: I started this a few months ago, but I must have been tired or something, because I just couldn't wrap my head around the pattern. It is written a bit unclearly, but once I went back with a clear head, I managed to get it. Mostly. I'm still getting confused by it more often than I'd like, but I'm getting there.
Posted by Kat at 07:03 PM
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May 17, 2006Randoms! On Wednesday!1. My newest TiVo find: Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown. Favorite quote so far: "Well, hello! You must be an Alp!" 2. I know Rachel warned us, but I was still disappointed by the ending of My Sister's Keeper. Actually, the whole book was sort of annoying, but compelling at the same time. Hmm. I'll try to sort out my thoughts on it in time for the May Reads post. 3. Oh. I was going to say the weather was finally better, but now I hear it raining again. 4. Speaking of which, yes, I was in the flooding area, but yes, I'm fine. My usual route to work was closed for several days, and my kitchen ceiling is precariously close to dripping, but I'm fine. And check out Feminknit for some pictures. 5. I am going through soy milk withdrawal. (I usually put it on my cereal, but we got a free gallon of regular milk, so we're trying to use that before it goes bad, and so there's no soy milk in the house.) It's REALLY not fun. 6. Talking about soy milk suggests that I don't actually have much to say. Or at least don't have the energy necessary to say it. 7. Up next: NH S&W report and photographic evidence that I do still, in fact, knit.
Posted by Kat at 08:39 PM
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May 16, 2006April Reads12. Bad Kitty 13. The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax 14. A Grave Talent 15. Suspense and Sensibility 16. My Cup Runneth Over 17. Hardscrabble Road
Posted by Kat at 10:13 PM
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May 12, 2006Dinner and a movieNifty! Chunky's is going to build a theater in Nashua.
Posted by Kat at 10:10 PM
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May 11, 2006NH Sheep and Wool Festival plansOkay! I finally know what I'm doing. Not that you've all been waiting with bated breath or anything, but just in case anyone's curious... Saturday: I'm not going to the festival itself, but I will be at Margarita's for dinner. And I expect a full report from you all on what I should look for at the festival. Sunday: Heading to festabal-land in the morning with Erica and Defulct. We'll probably be there more or less all day. Let me know if you want to meet up, or you'll be around and we should look for you, or whatever. Bonus! Tonight (Thursday): 251 Bar & Grill in Billerica. My boss is in the band that's playing, so a few of us are heading over. If anyone feels like stopping by, I'll be the one knitting a sock. (Umm, no, really? I'm sure you're shocked.) And - breaking news! My completed Birch will be coming with me both Saturday night and Sunday, as long as none of you yell at me for bringing it along to show off before it's blocked.
Posted by Kat at 10:04 AM
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May 09, 2006News, and memesFirst, the exciting news: my paper is done done done! That means I just have to go to class tonight and turn it in and the semester will be over! Wheee! There will be celebrating this weekend. Who will be at NH S&W on Sunday (or in the area for dinner and/or drinks Saturday evening) to help me celebrate? Second, because my brain is too mushy for anything else at this point, memes! I stole these from Rachel, which is quite appropriate as she is one of the few Internet friends I've known for ten years. Or at least almost ten years. I joined the listserv on which we met in the fall of 1996. Ten years ago, it was 1996. Take this survey, post the results, and see how many things have changed since then. 1) How old were you? 2) Where did you go to school? 3) Where did you work? 4) Where did you live? 5) How was your hair style? 6) Did you wear braces? 7) Did you wear contacts? 8) Did you wear glasses? 9) Who was your best friend? 10) Which of your pets were still alive? 11) Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? 12) Who was your celebrity crush? 13) Who was your regular-person crush? 14) How many piercings did you have? 15) How many tattoos did you have? 16) What was your favorite band/singer? 17) Had you smoked a cigarette? 18) Had you gotten drunk? 19) Had you driven yet? 20) If so which car? 21) Looking back, are you where you thought you would be in 2006?
I AM: drinking TaB and taking stupid HTML out of stupid lists of stupid things. Um, yeah, welcome to my job.
Posted by Kat at 02:13 PM
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May 08, 2006Quick Monday PositivesYay for... * The new Interweave Knits! * Being almost done with my semester! * TiVo! * The goofy Formula 1 announcers! * Dr. Who! * Gorgeous spring weather!
Posted by Kat at 03:58 PM
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May 07, 2006Still alive, really.So I was going to finish my paper, and post after that, but I didn't, quite. And I was going to finish Birch, and post after that, but I didn't, quite. So I was going to write up the April Reads post and post that, but I didn't finish, quite. So. Yes, I'm still here but no, I can't seem to manage to post anything substantive. The paper is due Tuesday and is at least 80% done, so it's fine, but still stressful. There's been some family stress too, and a bit of work stress to top things off. I am planning on much relaxation at NH S&W on Sunday. I have to work Saturday, but would be up for joining people for dinner if anyone's going to be around. Let me know. Oh, also: I am convinced that there's something going on Friday evening. If I told you I would do something with you then, please remind me, because it's driving me crazy. (And please don't take it personally that I've forgotten. Whoever you are. If you're out there.) (I do realize that odds are pretty good that it's all in my head.)
Posted by Kat at 10:19 PM
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May 04, 2006I could never get the hang of Thursdays.Randoms. Late. Again. Sorry. Or just randomer, depending on your point of view. 1. I have become thoroughly addicted to My Super Sweet 16. Oh my goodness. I'm not even sure what to say. It's train-wreckily compelling and horrifying. And addictive. And... I don't know. They are such brats. I can hardly even imagine how they get that way. I'm watching the episode about P.Diddy's godson right now. I'll probably work up a post for it for Reality TV Sociology. But if you have MTV, watch it. It's on practically twelve hours a day, so really, it's not hard to find. (When it's not on, Tiara Girls generally is. I haven't watched a whole episode of that yet, but I have a feeling that it will be my next addiction.) 2. qw21 is wrong with Helen? Lynley is great. She totally doesn't deserve him. Heck, I'll take him, if he's such an annoyance to her. Um, sorry, just had to get that off my chest. (And I'm only in the middle of the second book in the series, so no spoilers as to their future relationship, please.) 3. Birch has entered black hole phase. It's almost done, I think, but I've been thinking that for days. So we'll see. 4. Next time I say something like "Oh, I don't have to write down how I did that heel. I'll remember," remind me that it may be several months before I get to the second sock, and my memory might not be quite that good. I know there were more, but I should go to sleep. Maybe we'll have part two of the randoms tomorrow.
Posted by Kat at 10:28 PM
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May 03, 2006Things I Meant to Tell YouI've been thrilled with the great response to Yarn Life so far. Keep the ideas coming! Here are a few things that I either left out of the original post or have realized or decided since: 1. Yarn Life will do its best to be for all knitters, regardless of gender, race, geographic location, sexual orientation, family status, age, knitting style, DPN vs. Magic Loop preference, or anything else. 2. Yes, I have hosting in the works. Yes, it will have a separate site from this one. Yes, this blog will keep going as well. Of course. 3. If you have e-mailed me with an idea, I promise I will get back to you. Soon. But maybe after my final paper for the semester is handed in on Tuesday. (Unless I'm procrastinating, in which case the Yarn Life e-mails will be returned sooner. We'll see.) 4. I may hold off on making some column decisions for a bit, to make sure I know of everyone interested and there's not too much overlap. 5. Yes, you may certainly submit more than one idea or article. 6. I didn't mention poetry, but that will be considered as well. 7. I need judges for the photography contest. Let me know if you're interested. (If you're a judge, of course, you can't enter. But it can be fluid - you could judge for the first issue, but not the second if you wanted to enter, but again for the third, or whatever.) I feel like there was something else, but that's all that's coming to mind at the moment. I'll keep you updated.
Posted by Kat at 10:06 PM
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