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Fuzzy Scarf!
Remember this? Socks for Seeley, done! The baby blanket is done! Arugula socks done! February socks done! Another late Christmas present done! Shrug - Done! First finish of 2008!
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January 02, 2009Fuzzy Scarf!Remember back in November when I mentioned that I didn't actually have an everyday warm scarf to wear? Well, I promptly made one, and then never posted it. Here it is: Yarn: Patons Allure in Turquoise
Posted by Kat at 10:30 AM
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August 17, 2008Remember this?If you've been reading for a while, you may (or may not) remember that I knit Birch back in 2005-2006. And then never mentioned it again. That's because it's been sitting in a Ziploc bag in my underwear drawer since then, waiting to have the ends woven in and to be blocked. I finally decided that this was ridiculous, and that I had to get over my blocking phobia. (I'd only blocked smaller items in the past.) I set the Fiber Revival as my deadline, so I could show it off, and ordered blocking wires from Knitpicks. I don't think it's the best blocking job ever, but it's done! I love it. Wheeee.
Posted by Kat at 06:00 PM
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July 14, 2008Socks for Seeley, done!Pattern: Garter Rib from Sensational Knitted Socks On the show Bones, David Boreanaz's character Seeley Booth is known for wearing interesting socks. So it was only logical that a group of us over on the Bones discussion board on Ravelry decided that he needed some hand knits. One person contacted his agent and arranged for us to send him a box of socks. We're hoping that some of them end up on the show! I really like the way these came out, but they took forever because they are so much bigger than the socks I usually knit (for myself, mostly). I kept thinking I was almost done, and then they kept going on and on. I'm so glad that they are done and I can work on some other things now!
Posted by Kat at 09:38 PM
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June 09, 2008The baby blanket is done!Yay!!! Pattern: Sam's Blanket I got really sick of it by the end, but I'm very happy with the finished result! This is the second of these blankets I have made, and I'm sure I will be making more in the future.
Posted by Kat at 09:50 AM
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May 20, 2008Arugula socks done!At long last: They're finally done! I love them. They took forever because I pretty much only knit them while waiting in line, at writing group, and other times like that. Yarn is Knitpicks Felici in Arugula, which seems to have been discontinued. Alas. I really like Felici - I'm using the Firefighter colorway now.
Posted by Kat at 11:00 AM
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March 03, 2008February socks done!I was falling asleep on the couch on the 29th while weaving in ends, but I finished them in February! Yay! ![]() Yarn: Dye-namics Slythern Stripe, sport weight I love love love this yarn, and I'm happy with the way these came out.
Posted by Kat at 10:46 AM
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March 02, 2008Another late Christmas present done!I finished Dad's scarf a few days ago: ![]() I'm quite pleased with the result. Yarn is Patons Shetland Chunky; pattern is my own. I was thinking of possibly making the pattern available for download on Ravelry... think it's interesting enough?
Posted by Kat at 09:46 PM
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February 24, 2008Shrug - Done!Look! ![]() It's done! Yay! I'm very excited. Pattern is I Do, yarn is Tahki Cotton Classic. This is for a friend to wear at her wedding next month. I'll try to get a picture of her wearing it with her dress.
Posted by Kat at 09:45 PM
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February 05, 2008First finish of 2008!I finished Mom's Christmas socks on January 27, and finally got a decent picture. Since I finished them in January, I'm on track with my "finish a pair of socks a month" goal! Yay! ![]() They're plain socks in Dye-namics Small Stripes, "mystery" colorway, sport weight. Love love love this yarn. P.S. Mom, they'll be in the mail soon!
Posted by Kat at 11:17 AM
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