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Listed: 5 Things I'm Looking Forward To About My New Apartment
Listed: 11 Actors I Like Who Haven't Been Cast in Pilots Yet Listed: 5 SiriusXM Stations I Like More Than I Expected Do Not Want Friday List: Things I Want to Read/Watch Over From the Beginning Sites That Should Improve Their Search Functionality Unread Books Happy Canada Day! Posts I owe you They say it's your birthday...
March 2011
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...and a side of existential angst.
2007 Finishes: Books 2007 Finishes: Knitting 2007 UFO Resurrection Challenge 2008 Finishes: Books 2008 Finishes: Crochet 2008 Finishes: Knitting 2009 Finishes: Books 2009 Finishes: Crochet 2009 Finishes: Knitting 2010 Fall TV Handbook 2010 Finishes: Books 2010 Finishes: Knitting 2011 Books 2011 Goals 2011 Movies 2011 Recipes 2012 NH Primary Amazing Lace 2006 Awards! Blogathon 2006 Bookish Bradley Whitford Breaking up is hard to do. Candles, candles, everywhere... CHEER Clothes Cross those stitches. Daily Reading Eating locally Endnotes Family Feminist Figure skating Food and cooking Getting to 50,000 Gift Guide Reviews God stuff Hey, look! I finished something! Holiday Music Holidays are supposed to be fun, right? How about a nice cuppa? I cannot believe this is happening. I hate moving. I love lists! I want to know! iPad Jumping on the bandwagon Kittens are cute. Knitting Life stuff Meanwhile, in the outside world... More about me than you ever wanted to know Morning Coffee Movies Music News and whatnot. No, actually, I am not okay. Of course I can knit that before Christmas. Olympic Knitting 2006 Other Crafts Piano Picoult-a-thon Politics and Policy Pop culture Pretty Pictures Product Reviews Programming Note Project Spectrum Quote of the Day Random Kat Facts Randomness Roommate stuff Sanity is overrated. Science! Search Sports Summer of Socks 2008 Summer Reading Program - My Books Summer Reading Program 2006 Tea Tech stuff Thank goodness for friends. The Best TV Show Ever The blog people The examined life The halls of academia The Shonda Rhimes empire These people are in charge? Things I'm Doing TiVo Today on the Internets TV TV and Movies TV: 18 to Life TV: Bones TV: Camelot TV: Castle TV: Code 58 TV: Community TV: Covert Affairs TV: Glee TV: Gossip Girl TV: Haven TV: How I Met Your Mother TV: Justified TV: Lights Out TV: My Boys TV: Off the Map TV: Parenthood TV: Past Life TV: Persons Unknown TV: Pretty Little Liars TV: Rizzoli & Isles TV: Rookie Blue TV: Royal Pains TV: Rubicon TV: Sports Night TV: Supernatural TV: The Bridge TV: The Event TV: The Gates TV: The Good Guys TV: The Mentalist TV: The Vampire Diaries TV: Veronica Mars TV: White Collar Warning: Liberal Weather What housework? What, me? Have an opinion? Wheeee! Winter Olympics 2010 WOMAN Challenge 2007 Work Writing Yarn Life You know you knit too much when... You spin me right round, baby.
March 15, 2011Listed: 5 Things I'm Looking Forward To About My New Apartment1. Living on a paved road 2. Streetlights! 3. Shoveling being someone else's responsibility 4. No basement to flood every time it rains 5. Having a desk in the living room
Posted by Kat at 07:59 AM
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March 05, 2011Listed: 11 Actors I Like Who Haven't Been Cast in Pilots Yet1. Colin Hanks
Posted by Kat at 01:20 PM
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March 03, 2011Listed: 5 SiriusXM Stations I Like More Than I Expected(Listed is a new [daily-ish? we'll see] feature, because a) I love lists and b) sometimes I just want to tell you I like something or don't like something or whatever without writing out a big long explanation.) 1. Caliente 2. Chill 3. Lithium 4. Faction 5. 20 on 20
Posted by Kat at 07:53 AM
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May 04, 2010Do Not WantThis started out as an Endnotes I forgot to post last night, and then I noticed a theme... A Wrinkle in Time ? I am skeptical. Why on earth would you want to eat ice cream on a roller coaster? That sounds extraordinarily unpleasant. I like the idea of an Avalon High movie, but this casting news isn't encouraging. Since it says Britt Robertson is starring, I assume that means she's Ellie, which would make Molly Quinn, the other girl mentioned, Jennifer. And it seems really obvious to me that those roles should be switched. Bah. Rick Perry: Oil Spill May Be an "Act of God". Um, no. I'm about ready for Perry to go away, but alas, it doesn't look like that will be happening any time soon.
Posted by Kat at 12:00 PM
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March 05, 2010Friday List: Things I Want to Read/Watch Over From the Beginning1. Jane Haddam's Gregor Demarkian series
Posted by Kat at 11:00 AM
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February 04, 2010Sites That Should Improve Their Search FunctionalityIt's a beautiful day for a listicle: Amazon
Posted by Kat at 05:00 PM
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July 08, 2009Unread BooksOver at Toddled Dredge, there's a new meme (sort of) about the books we have sitting on our shelves, unread. Now, it would take me all day to list all my unread books (I love used book sales!), but I'm going to pick 50 to list here, and try to read them (or admit that I'll never read them and give them away) by not this coming birthday but the next one (7/31/10). To make things interesting, I grabbed only books that happened to be in my living room (where there are no bookcases but still seem to be books, always) and my dining room (where there are actually two bookcases). This has tilted the list toward non-fiction, and specifically history, but ah well. Are there any on my list that you particularly loved or hated? Let me know! 1. The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper
Posted by Kat at 10:23 AM
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July 01, 2009Happy Canada Day!Whee, it's Canada Day! I'm not Canadian, but I've found that many good things are. A random, non-comprehensive, not-in-any-particular-order list of Canadian things (and people) I like: 1. Yarn Harlot I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but I have to get ready for work...
Posted by Kat at 07:43 AM
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September 18, 2008Posts I owe youMaybe if I make a list, I'll actually have time to write them, eh? Photos from the Biden event
Posted by Kat at 04:44 PM
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July 31, 2008They say it's your birthday...I just had some fun with the July 31 page on Wikipedia, so now I can tell you that I share my birthday with... 1396 - Philip III, Duke of Burgundy It is also the feast day of several saints, including St. Ignatius Loyola, one of my favorites.
Posted by Kat at 09:54 AM
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June 26, 2008Self-delusion...I made an extensive packing list for this trip. Okay, so it's a spreadsheet. (Yes, I'm a dork.) So. I thought I was prepared. But last night, while packing my clothes, I encountered the word "sweater" on the list. Ah, right, a nice light sweater to put over my sleeveless dresses if the dining room is cool in the evenings. Makes perfect sense. The problem: I own no such sweater. I'm kind of baffled. Did I have a sweater in mind when I'd made the list that I'm now completely forgetting about? Did I have a plan for procuring such a sweater? Did I just think that if it was on the list, it would appear of its own accord? Huh. So, yeah, time for a quick lunchtime shopping trip...
Posted by Kat at 12:16 PM
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June 16, 2008Trip PlanningSo clearly the most important packing decisions for vacations are those regarding books and yarn, right? Figuring out the clothes and things are sort of annoying, but not as agonizing. The big issue with books and yarn, of course, is the fear of running out - of being far from home, and maybe having lots of free relaxation time, and having nothing to read, nothing to knit. That's terrifying! Okay, first the knitting. It will be the Summer of Socks, so obviously I'll be bringing socks. I got some Noro sock yarn in bright islandy colors specifically for the cruise, so that will be my main project - I'll do something fairly mindless with it to make sure the colors shine through. I'm planning to start the Poseidon socks on the first day of Summer of Socks, and obviously won't be done by then, so I think they'll make quite appropriate cruise knitting, given the theme. That will probably be enough - it's only four days - but I'll probably throw in another skein of sock yarn just in case. You know, to be safe. For emergencies. Now, on to books. Usually, a book per day on vacation is my absolute minimum, and I usually throw in an extra or two. It isn't even necessarily that I think I'll get that much reading done, but what if the books I bring aren't what I'm in the mood to read? I'm going to hold myself to four on this trip, though, because of the following factors: 1. The ship has a library. So. I should be able to manage with four. (Plus a few magazines.) I've picked four fairly different titles, for a variety of moods: A Suitable Vengeance by Elizabeth George, The Last Thing He Wanted by Joan Didion, Outposts: Journeys to the Surviving Relics of the British Empire by Simon Winchester, and Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian. I think that will be a nice assortment. What's everyone else reading and knitting on vacation this summer?
Posted by Kat at 01:40 PM
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December 31, 2007Books for November
Posted by Kat at 04:00 PM
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Books for OctoberApparently I was on an alphabet kick in October. (And apparently I was doing something other than reading much, though I can't remember what. Actually, I think I started some books in October that I didn't finish until November. Or didn't finish at all. Or something.)
Posted by Kat at 02:08 PM
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Books for SeptemberYes, trying to catch up a bit before the end of the year. I know I still won't have posted about all the books I read, but I at least wanted to mention some of them from the last part of the year. I'll try to do better next year! :)
Posted by Kat at 10:14 AM
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November 28, 2007Sleepy Wednesday Randoms1. Blah, sleepy. Oh well. This week is crazy busy and it's not going to get better any time soon. My big dream for the day is that I might have time to stop for milk on my way home tonight. Yeah. 2. Speaking of sleepy: I got a surprise transcription job last night. The good news is that it will about cover the tires I had to buy last week. The bad news is that there goes most of my knitting time (and a bit of my sleeping time) for the next week or so. 3. My Christmas knitting list is scaring me. My goal is that by the end of this coming weekend I will have fewer projects to finish than days left. We'll see. 4. I have at least finally purchased all of the supplies and tools I need for holiday gifts. I think. Of course, as soon as I post this I will realize that I need another set of needles or something. 5. I want to make fudge. (Because obviously I don't have enough to do.) Anyone have a favorite recipe?
Posted by Kat at 09:56 AM
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September 17, 2007Chilly Monday Happy Things1. It was cold out this morning! There was frost! I felt totally justified in getting out a scarf and fingerless mitts for the first time this season. 2. Bones. Have I mentioned how much I love Bones? I adore it. I'm almost done with the first season, and I'm going to keep the third season on the TiVo until I watch the second. Yes, part of it is that I'd happily watch David Boreanaz read the phone book, but I also do really like the other characters and the forensic anthropology. 3. I have a big stack of library books to read. Don't you love that feeling? 4. I have a new bookcase! I bought it yesterday and a very nice friend put it together (with help from Dewey, of course). Pictures soon. 5. I also found three books and two videos at yard sales, for a grand total of $1.50. Love that.
Posted by Kat at 09:11 AM
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September 06, 2007Signs of Autumn(Yes, I know the season hasn't technically started, but in my brain, seasons all start on the first of the month. September 1, December 1, March 1, June 1. And yes, I know it's going to be 90 this weekend. I'm in denial.) 1. It was cold enough to wear flannel to bed the past two nights. Flannel. I cannot express the joy this brings me.
Posted by Kat at 09:01 AM
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July 27, 2007Whoa. Where did this week GO?What the heck happened to this week? I can't believe I haven't had a chance to blog all week. Although, looking back, I guess I can believe it. I've been way busier than usual at work, and working more hours than usual, and fairly busy in non-work time as well. Here are some of the things I've been doing instead of blogging this week: 1. Reading the new Harry Potter. (Well, okay, I finished that the day it came out.) And because the above didn't allow for much time for blog reading this week, either... what have you all been up to this week?
Posted by Kat at 09:11 PM
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June 22, 2007The best site ever.Okay, that's sort of a sweeping statement. But seriously. If you need help getting organized, or just like lists, make sure you check out Remember the Milk. I discovered it a few days ago, and I love it.
Posted by Kat at 06:29 PM
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May 14, 2007First post-school Monday happy things!I'm still fairly ecstatic about being done with school, so it seemed a good time to start doing Monday Happy Things again. Things making me happy today... * No more school! (Obviously.)
Posted by Kat at 11:21 AM
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November 20, 2006Progress ReportLet's see how I did on those goals this weekend... 1. Finish Shedir. Hah. Nope. I was thinking that hats are quick, but Shedir is a particularly fussy hat on small needles with splitty yarn. I think I'm on row 16. I'm really liking it, though. 2. Finish two Netflix discs to send back on Monday. Well, I finished one. Review soon. 3. Make a decent dent in my current homework assignment. Yup! Look at me, being all responsible and getting homework stuff done first. Aren't you impressed? 4. Pick out a recipe for a dish to bring to D&D next week and one to bring to Thanksgiving, and shop for the ingredients. Sort of. I realized that, since I'm traveling the day before Thanksgiving, it would be too stressful for everyone if I tried to cook or even warm something up in my mother's oven or my aunt's. So I'm bringing a few bottles of cider instead. Yes, that cider. Don't worry, I won't try to operate the ballwinder. Anyway. I did pick out a recipe for D&D (Mark Bittman's macaroni and cheese), but I didn't go shopping. I'll stop at the store on the way home from work today and cook when I get home. 5. Get to 28,000 words on my novel. HAH. No. I've pretty much given up on NaNo for the year. I will continue working on my story, but I'm not worrying about word count. I realized that it was keeping me from more important things, and that I was setting myself up to be distracted and irritable throughout Thanksgiving. And I was making myself sick from not sleeping enough. And it's just not that important. 6. Sit down and do some serious holiday gift/entertaining/etc. planning Yup. I'm not done, but I've gotten a good start. 7. Update the sidebars. Yup. But I guess you can see that for yourselves.
Posted by Kat at 09:03 AM
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November 17, 2006Weekend GoalsWhoa crazy busy. Again. Still. Whatever. Anyway. I decided I should post some goals for the weekend, in hopes that that will keep me focused and give me a feeling of accomplishment, or something. Or maybe I'm just short on stuff to talk about today. You decide. :-) This isn't everything I have to do, by any means, but it's some things that I'd really like to get done. If that makes sense. 1. Finish Shedir. That's... well. Probably enough, huh? What are you trying to accomplish this weekend?
Posted by Kat at 05:58 PM
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August 01, 2006Happy August!Happy first day of August, everyone! Since it's August, that means that I start checking the weather forecast obsessively, waiting for the temperatures to drop. (This continues through September. Then in October I check obsessively for any hint of snow. Yeah, I'm a dork.) No real sign of it yet, of course, although it looks like most of next week will be in the low 80s, which will probably feel positively frigid given the high 90s we have at the moment. August also means a whole month's break from school! I'm sure you're all shocked that I've been constructing a mental to-do list of things to get done this month. But at least they're mostly fun things. So without further ado... Things to Do in August * Sew up the freaking baby sweater (yeah, just didn't have time during the Blogathon) Also, it seems that a lot of people I care about are going through weird/difficult personal stuff right now. Let's hope August is a better month. You're all in my thoughts.
Posted by Kat at 11:18 AM
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March 30, 2006If I blog it, I have to do it.I'm feeling vaguely out of it today, and have been for most of this week, actually. Part of it, certainly, is a need for just a bit more sleep than I have been getting. And I just have no focus. I don't know. Maybe it's because of spring. And actually being fairly happy sort of leaves me at loose ends. I can't decide whether I want to go run around crazily in the sunshine or take a road trip or hide under the covers and read obscure British novels. So. Um, anyway, where was I? Oh, lack of focus, right. I think I've made my point. SO. Anyway. My plan for the evening is to go home, get some stuff done, RELAX a little, and SLEEP. Early. Theoretically. And because we've seen how scattered I am today, I'm going to put my to do list right here so that you all can harass me about it tomorrow. Okay? Okay. 1. Clean a bit. Honestly, my main point with this one is to find my copy of Last Minute Knitted Gifts and my missing Netflix envelope, but I'm planning to look for them in a way that makes the room look tidier rather than messier. 2. Finish translating Lauren's diploma. Yay Latin! 3. Block Branching Out. 4. E-mail my professor about my final paper topic. 5. Work on the Call for Submissions for the new online magazine I mentioned yesterday. (Thanks for all the enthusiasm about that! More details soon!) 6. (Finally) finish knitting the second ball of Dave's Scarf. I think it has entered the black hole phase - I've been knitting and knitting and nothing has been happening. At least if I finish a freaking ball of yarn I'll feel like I'm making some progress. 7. Start a grocery list. I'm out of hummus and pita. This can't be good. 8. Finish reading Knitting Rules and Bad Kitty. Okay. That's totally doable for an evening, right? And theoretically it will result in pictures of a blocked Branching Out for you tomorrow.
Posted by Kat at 04:40 PM
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March 29, 2006Quick RandomsBecause I was supposed to go to bed on time tonight, darn it! Argh. 1. Operation: Harlot was successful last night. I arrived at the store at 10:30, unpacked boxes for the first 15 minutes, and then realized that I had 15 minutes and about 25 boxes left and I had to go more quickly. So then I started just opening boxes. Blood was drawn. (Boxes are sharp!) But I found it. Wheeeee. It's wonderful. Better review after I finish reading it. 2. Clapotis = fun. And I haven't even started dropping stitches yet. 3. Watched the fourth Harry Potter movie tonight. Some of the exterior shots seemed oddly cartoony, but I thought it was good overall. Hermione is still my favorite, of course. As always, I found myself sort of wishing that they'd hurry up through the dragon/battle/whatever scenes and get back to the academics and interpersonal relationships and lovely boarding-schoolness. Maybe I should just go find some school stories to read. 4. Don't you hate it when something disappears right after you discover it? Last week, I discovered the green tea lattes at the coffee stand on campus. Now, I don't normally like green tea much, but these were all milky and melony and yum. Yesterday? They were gone. Bah. 5. Interested in reading or contributing to a free online knitting lifestyle magazine? Sort of Glamour meets Knitty, with a little Bust thrown in? Let me know. I'm sure there was more, but I really, really should be asleep. Good night!
Posted by Kat at 11:06 PM
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March 28, 2006Oh, look. A Plan.So I'm loving the Rule of Ten idea (well, except for this weekend when I was chomping at the bit to start Clapotis), but I'm apparently feeling the need to prioritize a bit more. Basically, what happened was that at some point last night I realized that I had all these vague ideas floating around in my head. Ideas like "You know, it was be awfully nifty if Birch was noticeably bigger when I bring it to Steph's next signing than it was at the last" and "If I wore Clapotis to NH Sheep & Wool, it would be easy for people to recognize me because it's so freaking bright." (Because you're all coming to Sheep & Wool and want to meet up, right? Right?) So it seems as though it could be beneficial to write up a list of when I'd sort of like to have various things finished. None of these are hard and fast deadlines, per se - they're more just... goals. A Plan. I seem to attract Plans. Anyway: April 16 (Easter/next time I'll see my family) - Dave's Scarf and Irish Hiking Scarf I've been averaging three finishes a month of late, so that's all totally doable, even with my usual lack of focus. Well, April and May look a little cramped, but... we'll see. The main challenge will be convincing myself to knit anything but Clapotis. It's rather addictive. But today I left it at home and so I have high hopes of getting well into the third ball of yarn for Dave's Scarf at class tonight. In other news, we're on Harlot Watch around here. The book is on the truck. On its way to my store. The shipment should get there this afternoon; they may or may not have time to unpack it. (I may or may not go unpack it for them after class.) Erica is supposed to call me with any news, but I'll be driving more or less by the store on the way to class (around 3:30) and on the way back (around 10:30). So. Unless Erica calls and tells me not to, I'll stop on the way down this afternoon - heck, I wouldn't mind a latte for the car anyway - and if there's no sighting by then I'll go back after class. And if for some reason that shipment doesn't make it there today, I'll go back after work tomorrow. Because, you know, what better to do on my night off than go to work? (Don't answer that.)
Posted by Kat at 01:22 PM
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March 15, 2006Random, with Pictures!Wow, it's already Wednesday again! And I'm still in a good mood. Yay. 1. I knew the recent springlike weather was just a tease. We had some bizarre fits of snow this afternoon. At least we know who to blame. 2. I'm liking the scarf better as it gets longer, so that's good, I guess: As you can see, it's not exactly reversible, but rather two-sided. I'm hoping to knit a ball of yarn every two days, so I finish on Sunday and can start Rogue. The picture has about half a ball knit up, mostly from lunch yesterday, subway and class last night, and lunch today. 3. On Sunday night, I realized that, improbably enough, I didn't seem to have any plain decaffeinated black tea in the house. I picked up some Red Rose at the store today, and they have new figurines! I've been sort of collecting them since I was very young, so it's always exciting to get a new one. I got the cute little bunny. 4. I saw Match Point over the weekend. Whoa. I think I've decided that it was very good, and you should see, but I probably do not ever want to see it again. But ahhh, Jonathan. Even in this rather, shall we say, questionable role, he was gorgeous. Oh! And according to IMDB he's going to be Henry VIII! That's one of the most exciting things I've seen in a while. 5. I'm doing some reorganizing of my Bloglines feeds. I've realized that I have a hard time getting into new-to-me blogs without reading all the archives, so now I have a separate category for blogs I think I'll want to read regularly but that I have to catch up with first. It's making it all much easier to navigate. 6. Last night for dinner I tried an Odwalla Strawberry C Monster smoothie and Super Protein bar. It was filling and surprisingly satisfying. Hmm. This may have to become my default quick dinner for nights when I have class or work. If I can find them, of course. I found the smoothies at the grocery store tonight, but I couldn't find the bars, even though the cashier told me they sold them. I got a few Luna bars, since they seemed to be the closest, but they don't have as much protein. Ah well. 7. And another for Project Spectrum: (blurry) strawberries!
Posted by Kat at 09:05 PM
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March 09, 2006Books and TV and blogs, oh my!I was all conflicted this morning: do I post about Black. White. or do I do a book meme? Decisions! Luckily, Cate made the decision for me by starting a new group blog: Reality TV Sociology. Come read or blog along with us if you're so inclined. So the book meme! This is from Carole, even though she forgot me in the librarian list. ;-) Meme instructions: Look at the list of books below. Bold the ones you've read, italicize the ones you might read, cross out the ones you won't, underline the ones on your book shelf, and place parentheses around the ones you've never even heard of. The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown Hmm. There are some that might be on my bookshelf but I don't remember that they're there. (Someday I will complete my inventory...) Or that I've borrowed. Yeah. The Atwood is on my night table, actually, now that I think about it, but it's not mine so I didn't count it. Also, apparently I do not decide that I won't read books. I mean, I'd read pretty much anything if you put it in front of me. (Vickie, this means you.) Also, yes, I've heard of all of them. Lit degree + enough time as a bookseller will do that. Oh, and I forgot to tag people. How about Erica and Rachel and Kristen? (Sorry if any of you have already done it.)
Posted by Kat at 03:46 PM
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February 07, 2006Stress ReductionBetween the Knitting Olympics and the semester starting and my upcoming trip (not to mention the regular two-job insanity), I'm running around like, I don't know, a chicken with its head cut off, I guess. (And apparently too brain-dead to come up with original similes.) So I'm going to try taking a few steps toward stress reduction, because what's the point of going on vacation if it's just stressful, right? 1. I bought a black wrap to match my dress. Therefore, I don't have to worry about finishing the Clove Stitch Shawl. 2. Other things that have been deleted from the "Must Do Before Trip" list: wash sheets and towels (because that requires a trip to the laundromat), finish short story draft, finish other socks before Knitting Olympics, finish father's and brother's Christmas gifts. (Mom was more excited about hers, so that's my priority). Oh, and cleaning my bedroom. 3. I got more than a day's worth of work done at the day job today, and am planning to do the same tomorrow, so I can panic uninterrupted on Thursday and Friday. 4. I will hereby stop worrying about the following things, because I have no control over them: what my mother, grandmother, or other relatives might say about my weight and/or appearance; other family drama; whether the friends I'm visiting in Texas will like me in person (we've only met online/phone); plane crashes; the weather. 5. Lists, lists, lists. My coping mechanism of choice. 6. I am going to pack as much as possible tomorrow evening, so that Friday evening will be less stressful. Theoretically. Oh, and a Knitting Olympics note: athlete sign-ups end at midnight tonight. I will keep adding team links, buttons, media coverage, etc. for the duration, though, so keep them coming.
Posted by Kat at 05:43 PM
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February 01, 2006Random Wednesday1. New hair again, in its natural (i.e. not blow-dried straight) state: I think I like it. More pictures here, here, here, here, and here. 2. I'm actually feeling remarkably focused about knitting recently. I'm re-enamoured with my Trekking socks and they're coming along nicely. Tonight I'm making myself work on the Clove Stitch Shawl I want to bring to Florida. Next week. Yeah. 3. One of the reasons for my focus is that the roommate has decided to try a sweater: he's chosen Beau from Vintage Knits. In a show of, um, moral support or something, I've promised I'll start a sweater from the book as well. Contenders at the moment are Fleur, Bridget, Faye, Oriel, and Salina. Opinions? 4. Right before midnight last night, I finished Guns, Germs, and Steel. More about it in the upcoming January Reads post, but I am veyr proud of myself for managing to make it the whole way through this time. My new lunch reading is Elaine Showalter. Yeah, I'm a dork. 5. My semester started last night. My class - Literacy and Service to the Underserved - seems like it will be really interesting, and the professor actually encouraged me to knit in class. 6. I just ordered my luggage for my trip. Which is next week. Yeah. Good thing L.L. Bean delivers so quickly. I should probably start thinking about what I'm putting in said luggage, eh? 7. Ugh. My favorites were voted off of Skating with Celebrities. How can anyone not adore Kurt Browning? Does not compute. qw21?
Posted by Kat at 10:17 PM
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December 31, 2005New Year's ResolutionsWell, it's that time again. Fewer this year, though, because last year's list just went so well. 1. Get one of my novels-in-progress to the point at which I can start submitting it to agents and/or publishers. 2. Read 100 books, at least some of which are from my mental "I really need to get around to reading that" list. (I don't know, 100 just seemed like a good number. I like goals.) Keep track of them. 3. Finish more knitting projects than I start, and decrease the size of the stash. And keep track of what I knit, because it would be nice to know. 4. Finish a gorram sweater. Finally. 5. Finish losing the weight I want to lose. (No need to get into the particulars here, as I write about that elsewhere.) 6. Try to relax. A little. Sometime. I'm really bad at that, and I make my life much more difficult/stressful than it really needs to be.
Posted by Kat at 07:41 PM
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December 20, 2005To whom it may concern:Dear knitting, Dear stupid coworkers in the neighboring department, Dear Chris Botti, Dear customers, Dear out-of-it teacher lady, Dear reading public, Dear salespeople, Dear Mr. Ledger, Dear readers,
Posted by Kat at 04:41 PM
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December 18, 2005Christmas Knitting Dos and Don'tsIt's... going. Not quite as well as I'd wanted, but I figured that would happen. So to distract you from my lack of pretty pictures or actual content, here are a few pointers for you based one what I've picked up over the past few days. * DO just keep knitting, and avoid thinking about any of it too much. * DON'T use yarn or needles you hate. Metal 15s? Ribbon? Eyelash? The end results are pretty, but what was I thinking? * DO take advantage of the lovely technique that involves doing some extra wraps before each stitch one row and dropping them the next and stretching it out. (I'm sure it has a name but I don't have time to look it up.) My God, does that make a scarf go quickly. * DON'T take a break to argue with your mother. Or at least put her on speakerphone or something so you can keep knitting. (At least I won.) * DO "carpool," i.e. get people to drive you places so you can knit in the car. * DON'T just keep adding things to your list. My list went from 12 to 14 before it got down to, um, 13 at the moment, but two of those are almost done, I swear. * DO cut back on sleep and housework. 5 hours a night. Laundry and dishes. Everything else can wait. * DON'T watch anything too enthralling or complicated while knitting. I'm finding that Simon Schama's History of Britain works well - it keeps me interested but, well, I know the plot, so it's okay if I don't give it my full attention. * If you are making anything that comes in pairs like socks or mittens, DO knit one of each pair first. It will keep things interesting, and it's better to give each recipient one mitten and some yarn instead of two mittens to half of them and just yarn to the rest. * DON'T let yourself get dehydrated. Dehydration does not increase knitting speed. I've been going with mostly Tab and various kinds of tea. * DO keep the house stocked with easy-to-make, non-messy food. You don't have time to cook or to take food breaks. Knitting while eating is possible. I've been concentrating on canned soup, chips and dip, baby carrots, Twizzlers, and chocolate. * DON'T develop a new addiction to an online game. (I'll give you the link after Christmas. I promise. It's for your own good.) * DO remember the twelve days of Christmas. Nothing is technically late until January 6. Especially if you're Catholic. * DON'T let yourself feel too much envy or resentment when you walk by your roommate's open door and notice the neat stack of books and CDs that he's giving people for Christmas. So what if they come already assembled? You're putting in way more effort. * DO resolve to drag him into the madness next year. It's not like you forced him to start knitting.
Posted by Kat at 10:35 AM
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December 15, 2005The PlanOkay. Trying not to panic. Plans solve everything, right? I'm a good planner. I like to make lists. So. I just need some lists and a plan. First, knitting hours as calculated last night: Coworker scarves (2): 5 hours each Total: 75 hours. KHPD: 7.5. Um, right. That's another full time job. I have one of those already. Huh. This might be a little difficult, you think? So. 1. This weekend will be the big marathon knitting. Friday night: finish at least one cousin scarf. Saturday night (since I'm working all day): finish at least one coworker scarf. Sunday: Knit all day. Finish other coworker scarf and nosewarmer (and hopefully something else, but let's let that be a pleasant surprise). Those three scarves are the things I really need done before Christmas, so I will breathe a bit easier then. 2. The next focus will be the mittlets, since those are harder to knit while out and about. Monday and Tuesday I will work on the mittlets at home and scarves while out (in line, on lunch break, etc.). 3. The three cousin scarves? I'm going to go with these. Two hours each. Steph promised. And did you see how I budgeted three hours for each above, since I know I can't possibly knit as fast as she does? 4. I am leaving work early tomorrow to go to the yarn store to get the yarn for the cousin scarves, mittlets, and nosewarmer. Oh, but there's supposed to be an ice storm. Please God, don't let the yarn store close. That would totally mess up the plan. 5. Basic schedule for next week: work 8-5 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Probably other work Monday and Thursday evenings. Wednesday I'm taking the day off to go Christmas shopping with my cousin in Boston. I'll carry a scarf around to knit while we shop. I'm sure she'll love that. Wednesday night I need to make something for the work potluck on Thursday, but I can knit while I make meatballs, right? Wednesday night is probably around when I'll cut down on sleep, as well. Don't want to do that too early, or the adrenaline will run out. 6. Tuesday evening I have agreed to see a friend. The conversation went something like this: 7. Friday evening is free. Thank goodness. Oh, except for packing for CT. Saturday (Christmas Eve) I'll be working and leaving for CT right from work. Sunday is Christmas and there will be lots of people at my parents' house. Nevertheless, I seem to think I will have a fair amount of knitting time both days. 8. On Christmas, I will be knitting my roommate's scarf, since Christmas Day is one of the very few days on which we won't see each other (as we'll be with our respective families). And he's okay with it being a Boxing Day or New Year's or Epiphany present if necessary. 9. And really, I'm not above giving a few things on the needles and having them done when I see everyone again at New Year's. 10. But. That's only an extra week. This is still quite a lot of knitting, even with the extra week. Progress reports will appear when possible. Let's hope I can get lots done over the weekend so I don't get too discouraged. Send caffeine and chocolate. P.S. I was vaguely thinking of a few more nosewarmers for other relatives, "if I have some extra time." The delusion runs deep.
Posted by Kat at 03:41 PM
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December 14, 2005Random Wednesday ('cause I can)Yeah, I know, twice in one day. But I had stuff I felt like saying and liked the idea of posting Random Wednesday on Wednesday for once. (It is Wednesday, right? I think?) 1. First, because Lauren asked for it: The five scarves-in-progress, albeit a bit blurry. The stray needle and brown yarn coming in from the left belong to another scarf-in-progress, but that one is my roommate's, not mine (thank goodness). 2. Tonight was my last class of the semester. We had pizza and wine and cookies and then left early. Really, all classes should be like that. 3. During class, my professor asked me: "Could you make your life any more difficult?" Hah. He doesn't know the half of it. 4. I also discovered that when I e-mailed my final paper to my professor yesterday, I didn't actually, you know, attach the paper. I am so smart. 5. While walking to the train after class I started calculating my Knitting Hours Per Day for the next ten days or so. Let's just say that it's looking rather appalling. Details, and hopefully a Plan, will be forthcoming. Tomorrow. When I'm bored at work. 6. I have decided that Green Day's "Holiday" is what I wanted Franz Ferdinand's second album to be. Not necessarily politically (because Franz Ferdinand is/are British [Scottish?], for one thing), but musically. 7. Today is the thirteenth anniversary of the fatal shooting incident that occurred at my alma mater. Although I was there long afterward and didn't know anyone involved, the reverberations are still felt throughout the tiny community, and I felt I should mention it and that everyone affected is in my thoughts today. 8. On a happier note, it is also my dad's birthday. 9. New Dunkin' Donuts favorite: Vanilla Spice coffee. Yum. 10. I'm dreaming, not of a white Christmas (well that too), but of all the things I will have time to knit after Christmas: the baby Aran, Birch (which was going along swimmingly until I finally had to admit that I should stop on it until after Christmas), Trekking XXL socks, and some sort of freaking head covering, already. I am in New Hampshire. It is cold. I do not seem to own a hat. What I really want is a hooded scarf, but I'm not letting myself think about it yet. 11. It sounds weird, but I have discovered that sleeping in hoodies (yes, with the hood on) is SO cozy. Another thing for which I can blame my roommate. Caffeine, Auden, alcohol, Michael Nava, Six Feet Under, cilantro, sleeping in hoods... what will be next? 12. Since I am home in time to go to bed on time, I should really do so, huh? 'night.
Posted by Kat at 10:35 PM
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Ack ack ack ack ackSee? Told you I'd be panicking soon enough. Christmas is in 11 days. ELEVEN. How did that happen? How? I have several presents started, at least. The majority of them are some variation of "red scarf." I am sick of red. And scarves. And I've thought of several more people for whom I need gifts. And decided that no, if I'm knitting for my dad and brother, I need to knit for my mom too. Especially since she doesn't much like scarves. So. How about a new list? Projects in Progress Now, you'd think I'd be able to say "enough already" and just concentrate on getting those things done. But, um, apparently not. I am taking 1/4 of a vacation day on Friday to get to the yarn store before it closes to get yarn for the following: Projects I Have Not Even Started And, um, yeah, if you look at my creative numbering scheme up there, you will see that I have More. Projects. Than. Days. I just figured that out as I was typing it. And there's no chance I will finish anything today or tomorrow because I won't be home until midnight-ish either night. So. Um. Basically, I need to barricade myself in my apartment this weekend (except that I'm working Saturday 8:45-5) and drink lots of tea and watch lots of DVDs and knit. Oh, except if my roommate wants to go see Brokeback Mountain. That's worth leaving the apartment for. But otherwise... not so much, I'm thinking. And, of course, I am stuck here at my desk and cannot knit. Torture. If I think about knitting enough, eventually something will start knitting itself, right?
Posted by Kat at 02:10 PM
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December 07, 2005Me me me me memeI'm procrastinating, and Kat tagged everyone who read it, so... 10 Things you might not know about me: 9 Places I've visited: 8 Ways to win my heart: 7 Things I want to do before I die: 6 Things I am afraid of: 5 Things I don't like: 4 Ways to Turn me Off: 3 Things I do every day: 2 Things that make me happy: 1 Thing on my mind right now: As Kat said, I'll tag whoever reads this, but especially Aisling, Erica, and Cate.
Posted by Kat at 03:01 PM
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December 06, 2005November ReadsSorry this is a few days late. Things have been crazy, and I've been either happy but too busy to write or sad and therefore not feeling like it. Anyway. The mini-reviews might be even more mini this time, but it's something, at least. Again, five books for the month, which is not that bad, I guess, considering that I also worked two jobs, went to class, wrote a novel, and knit Christmas presents. How Town When the Bough Breaks Hidden Law Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness The Year of Magical Thinking My reading goal for December is to finish some of the books that have been languishing partially read. Starting the month, I had a list of ten (and that was after taking off five that had gone back to the library or otherwise been abandoned). I'd really like to start the new year with a clean slate. Wish me luck. So far, I've finished one of the ten, am a few pages from finishing another... and am about to start something new. Ah well. As Cate keeps saying, two steps forward, one step back.
Posted by Kat at 08:16 PM
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November 27, 2005Worth every pennyUp here in Red Sox land, I tend to get some weird looks and questions when I buy the New York Times on Sundays. Why am I not buying the local paper1 or, if I have to be snobbish about it, the Boston Globe2? I am clearly some sort of traitor. I get these questions from people behind me in line and even from the cashiers who are selling me the paper. (Hey, cashiers? Nota bene: saying "What could this paper have to make it worth $4.50?!?" is not necessarily the best way to, you know, sell more papers. Just saying.) I generally mumble something about the Book Review and the crossword puzzle and how yes, I know the other papers have crossword puzzles too, but if Will Shortz isn't involved, they really don't count, don't you see? But no, they invariably don't see, and they give up, and I give up, and they let me buy my paper. But it's sort of exhausting. And my actual reasons for buying it are a bit more varied: 1. The aforementioned Book Review and crossword are, actually, quite important to me. Something just feels wrong if I don't have them. But now I have a much simpler way to explain it. As I was reading last week's Book Review this morning (um, yeah, I'm a bit behind), I came across the phrase, in reference to Greg Critser, "arguably the least bubbly reformer since Oliver Cromwell." That alone says it all. That's why it's worth my $4.50. Also? Every single week the Book Review includes more books that sound interesting than I could possibly read in a month, never mind a week. But I keep writing down the titles, keep thinking I'll try... ___
Posted by Kat at 10:32 AM
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November 25, 2005Giving thanksThings I am thankful for this year... * My family. They may drive me crazy, but I love them and I know they love me and that means a lot.
Posted by Kat at 12:14 AM
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November 21, 2005Things I Have Learned in the Past Few Days1. Six Feet Under + Birch = up until almost two am. Yeah. Bad combination. By which I mean "extremely fun and wonderful." At least I didn't have to be up early the next morning. 2. When my apartment is 49 degrees, it is pretty difficult to get out of bed. 3. Knit.1 seems to have a gift for writing simple patterns in the Most Confusing Way Possible. 4. On Friday afternoon, my roommate had to go to a meeting that might have coincided with our free snacks here at work, so I was to grab a snack for him. I realized that I'd be more confident in ordering for him at a decent restaurant than I was picking out a candy bar for him. Does this make us snobs, or just adults? I'm not sure. 5. It is, in fact, possible to talk on the phone while rolling very hot cookies in powdered sugar. Just in case you were wondering. 6. Sometimes those "Oh yeah, this IS my real life" moments actually help. Yesterday I was trying to simultaneously bake cookies and write my novel, and feeling vaguely annoyed at the situation. And then I realized that, if all goes according to plan, I will be writing novels while baking cookies for the rest of my life. (Well, eventually it would be nice if I didn't also have two jobs and school to keep up with while writing novels and baking cookies, and then maybe I could have enough time to give the writing a break and concentrate on baking for a few hours. But really, no guarantees.) And, somehow, once I realized that this was it, the writing got much easier. 7. A radio station that replaces its DJs with recorded messages about how they no longer have DJs to talk too much is, in fact, more annoying than the stations that actually do have DJs that talk too much. 8. I want to be Meg Cabot when I grow up.
Posted by Kat at 01:41 PM
November 17, 2005Dear universe,Just a few small requests: 1. The new coworker in the cube next to mine really does not need to talk to himself, randomly laugh vaguely maniacly, or sigh and/or moan at random times. Really. 2. It is getting toward the end of November. Will you get over this wishy-washy "Oh, maybe I'll rain or just fog up everything" thing and just snow already? Hint: This might be easier if you would also stop with the yo-yo temperatures. 3. I like working with the public. Really. I'm just not sure how many more times I can explain something as complex as, oh, alphabetical order or the fact that the bookstore has two floors or how, if you want a price changed, you do in fact have a "price issue" without attaching "you idiot" to the end of all of my sentences. Could we make everyone just a tad smarter? 4. You don't really want Christmas to be in fewer than 40 days. Really. How about an extra week or two? How do you expect me to get all this knitting done? 5. I'd also vaguely like to know how I ended up with two iPods in my desk, but hey, I'm not complaining. 6. Oh, yeah: Thanksgiving. Haven't I agonized over this enough already? Shouldn't it be over by now? Thanks,
Posted by Kat at 04:59 PM
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November 09, 2005Random Wednesday(Yes, we had Random Kat Facts just last night, but that's a different kind of randomness. This is the "Here are twenty things I've been meaning to tell you but didn't have the time/energy/inspiration to write a whole post on" sort of randomness.) 1. If you would like a link to get a coupon for "Friends and Family Weekend" at Borders - 20% off now through Monday, I believe - let me know. 2. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about the election results. Yay New Jersey and Virginia and Maine. Boo Texas. 3. Whoever decided to play "Saturday in the Park" (you know, the "every day's the fourth of July" one) right when the majority of listeners would be headed to work on one of the coldest days yet this autumn really should not be a DJ. (Or computers shouldn't be picking out music. Whatever.) That said, it did make me smile and it's a good one to sing along with. Can you dig it? Yes I can! (Of course, listening to "My Immortal" next didn't exactly do wonders for my mood, but who can resist the line "Your voice, it chased away all the sanity in me"? Yeah, I'll be listening to that the rest of the day...) 4. I finally finished the school assignment that had been hanging over my head being impossible for two weeks. Turns out I was making it far harder than it actually should have been. (What, you, Kat? Making something hard for yourself? Really? Shut up.) I'm ridiculously excited about it being done. 5. I'm also ridiculously excited about the fact that I'm wearing my "skinny jeans" that haven't fit in about a year. Whee! 6. Novel? What novel? No, really, it's... coming. I'm a bit behind but not irreparably so. As I said to my roommate this morning, I have nothing planned this weekend other than working all day Saturday (yes, he laughed), so I'm hoping to get a few good sessions in and get ahead. 7. Meg Cabot blogs! I somehow just learned this last night. Happiness ensued. (I know what I'll be doing during my down time at work today...) 8. I took a vacation day yesterday and Erica and I headed out for a day of excitement involving Harrisville, the Woolery, and crazy fundamentalist pizza. I'll let her tell you her big news herself, but let's just say that she picked me up at nine and by noon we'd managed to spend about $500 between us. And that was before the Woolery. 9. At Harrisville, I found a copy of Knitting Fair Isle Mittens & Gloves: 40 Great-Looking Designs 10. I may have also started the Irish Diamond Shawl from Folk Shawls: 25 Knitting Patterns and Tales from Around the World 12. I finally went to an orchard and got local apples, unpasteurized cider, and cider doughnuts yesterday. Yum. 13. Okay, my computer here at work is freaking out, so I think it's time for some quality time with AdAware. 14. But I don't want to jinx my bad mood by leaving off on number 13, so let me just mention how annoyed I am that my online registration for next semester is at 5 pm on Saturday. Because that is clearly the best time for everyone to be at their computers. (I get out of work at five, so I'll be at least a half hour late and probably not get my first choice of classes. Bah.) __
Posted by Kat at 09:42 AM
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November 08, 2005Random Kat Facts, 6-10The "my brain is weird" edition... 6. The words for "right" and "left" still do not come naturally to me a lot of the time.1 ___
Posted by Kat at 11:35 PM
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November 04, 2005What's in your purse?Bitch Ph.D. asked about the contents of our purses or pockets. I have no pockets in my skirt today (what is WRONG with women's clothing designers?), so, the contents of my purse: Wallet Hmm, I think that's it. Your turn!
Posted by Kat at 02:24 PM
November 01, 2005October ReadsWell, last month I hoped for a longer list of completed books this month. It is longer: I've gone from three to five. I'm still not really satisfied, though1. I want to be finishing a book every few days. I like myself better when I'm reading a lot. But that just isn't working out recently, for whatever reason. (Busyness, lack of focus, general sadness and ennui... take your pick.) And, again, I have lots of books I've read some of this month but not finished. I suppose I will, once again, pin my hopes on next month. Because, you know, with two jobs and school and NaNoWriMo and holiday knitting, I clearly have tons of time on my hands. Well. Without further ado, here are the books I finished in October: Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches Rag and Bone Until the Real Thing Comes Along The Little Death Goldenboy ___
Posted by Kat at 02:49 PM
October 06, 2005Are you sure it's not Friday?Reasons why I think it's Friday: 1. This has been one of the longest weeks ever. You could tell me it was next Friday and I wouldn't be surprised.
Posted by Kat at 11:17 PM
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