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Socks are for feet.
Oh hey, it's Wednesday! GOLD!!! Time for a Plan Random Wednesday Halfway there! And around the first bend! Another quick update Quick Note What a difference a day makes
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...and a side of existential angst.
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March 26, 2006Socks are for feet.So I had one of those moments today. Those moments when you think to yourself, "Those socks sitting on my shelf are very nice, but hey! Socks are made to go on feet! I could wear them!" Um, yeah. My Olympic socks. I've been admiring them plenty, but I realized that I hadn't actually worn them yet. But I was seeing a long-distance knitting friend today so I decided it was the perfect day to try them out. Before I went out, I asked my roommate to take a few pictures, so here you go! See? I told you they weren't as ugly as the last picture made them look! Tonight I am determined to finish Branching Out and start Clapotis. Wish me luck!
Posted by Kat at 07:59 PM
| Comments (8)
March 01, 2006Oh hey, it's Wednesday!I finally went to work today, after being out sick, so it felt like Monday, so I'm totally confused. Anyway, it's Wednesday, so that means randomness! 1. FIRST of all, do you like the new layout? It's March 1 (Happy March!) so I decided something bright and springlike was in order. It's a very slightly tweaked version of a template that the lovely and generous Becky made for us Pretty Posies members. Let me know if anything seems to be working incorrectly. 2. Based on the comments I got yesterday and what I've seen at other blogs, I think Post-Olympic Startitis should be declared an official disease. I've managed to stick to my ten, though. Aren't you proud of me? (Birch was added to the ten when I finished the Olympic socks. The first ten were in basically random order, but I'll be adding new items to the bottom as I finish things.) 3. I decided to add my LibraryThing widget to the sidebar even though only a fraction of my books have been entered so far. (All the cool kids are doing it.) I'm going to try to add a few each day. 4. I was on Morning Edition on NHPR yesterday, talking about the Knitting Olympics. Want to hear me? 5. It has been brought to my attention (thanks Chris!) that an all-cotton sweater, as I was discussing last entry, might not work so well. So that project is on the back burner for the moment, and I'm open to yarn suggestions for a DK cotton blend. 6. I am SO ready for spring. So why is it in the twenties out? Not fair. 7. I'm still sick. Sleeping plenty but exhausted all the time. What's with this? 8. Okay, enough complaining. Let's end with something positive. Umm... oh yeah! Have you seen The Daily Kitten? Say it with me... Awwwwww.
Posted by Kat at 08:05 PM
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February 26, 2006GOLD!!!It was a bit close, but I finished! Here's a rather awful picture - my apartment is the darkest in the world, I think. I promise they're not so ugly in real life. Yes, they're posed on my pillowcase, but at least it's appropriately winter-themed. I'll get a photo of them on my feet ASAP - I think they'll look less deformed then. I am now celebrating by watching the Closing Ceremonies, eating ice cream, and casting on for Salina. She's going to be a feisty one, I can tell: her yarn kept jumping onto my lap this evening while I was finishing the sock. Congratulations to all the Olympians! We did it!
Posted by Kat at 10:21 PM
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February 23, 2006Time for a PlanAs I mentioned last night, my Olympic knitting has sort of... stalled. It went along wonderfully while I was on vacation, but since I've been back home I've barely managed to knit a few rounds. This is Very Bad. And as the Closing Ceremonies are sneaking up on us rather soon, I think it calls for a Plan. With a capital P. (And maybe it will be in list form! We all know how I feel about Plans and Lists!) (I must mention that I was forced to face up to the extent of the Very Bad-ness by Steph's similar post today. I wonder how S.Kate, Emma, and Ken are doing? Wouldn't it be, um, funny if none of us organizer/helper people finished? Hah. Funny. Yeah, that's the word.) Unfortunately, in trying to create a Plan, I've realized that I... can't really think of one. This may be a side effect of the lack of sleep I've had recently, or maybe the "almost end of first work week after vacation" thing. But... hmm. I have done the ribbing (30 rows) and part of the first of six 8-row cable repeats for the leg of the sock. So let's say I have left, um, two hours of the leg, two hours for the heel/gusset, three hours for the foot, two hours for the toe. Nine hours. And let's throw an extra hour in there just in case. Okay. Ten hours of knitting. Where can we fit in ten hours of knitting between now and Sunday? Thursday: 1/2 hour during my dinner break at work, and... that's about it. Now matching the schedule up with the hours per sock part above, I have the following goals: Thursday: Get through at least the second repeat Huh. That's actually not that bad, now that I look at it. Whether I'll be able to stick to it is another question. But at least I feel better now that I have a Plan.
Posted by Kat at 04:59 PM
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February 22, 2006Random Wednesday1. This is really the first down time I've had since my trip, and... I'm tired. Really tired. Even the combination of caffeine and Franz Ferdinand was barely keeping me awake at work this afternoon. But tonight I did not have work or class. So I came home, took a quick nap, went to a nice dinner with friends, and am now home, in my pajamas, watching the Olympics and drinking chai. Yay. 2. Meet my cute little avatar: 3. Have you seen BlogShares yet? I haven't had time to totally figure it out, but it seems to be a fantasy stock market game - with blogs as the companies! Don't you want to know how much your blog is worth, and even who "owns" shares of your blog? Yeah, I thought you did. Click on the link and get sucked in like I have. :-) 4. Olympic knitting is... going, I guess. I'm a bit stalled, still on the cuff of the second sock. I just haven't had any time. But I'm determined to finish. 5. Speaking of which, I have a few media links to add to the KO links list. I'll get them on there soon. I promise. 6. I used to laugh at my mother and her "power naps." I insisted that the idea of just closing your eyes for 5 or 15 minutes was preposterous. Couldn't actually help. Um, apparently I just wasn't tired enough then. Because now I get it. Totally. It's a lifesaver. And man, does the "not quite asleep" state produce some funky dreams. (Including those involving kissing people about whom I generally do not think in that manner. Weird.) But yeah, I'm totally behind this concept now. Thanks Mom! 7. Like many knitters, I'm often torn between knitting/starting whatever I want and trying to actually finish things. I recognize that I'm a process knitter, and that knitting is supposed to be fun and there are enough deadlines and stressors in the rest of my life. But on the other hand, finishing is kind of fun. And my unfinished projects are numbering, well, in the dozens by now. And just knowing that they're there adds to my general guilt level. So I'm going to try a compromise. A new system, of a sort. It's pretty simple: ten projects are allowed to be on the "actively knitting" list at a time. If I want to knit something not on the list - either something new or an unfinished item - then I have to finish one of the list items first. I think this actually has a chance of working. Ten is a reasonable number, I think, to keep track of, but it is large enough to allow for plenty of variation. And maybe by the end of the year, all my projects will fit on that list of ten. (But don't hold your breath.)
Posted by Kat at 10:45 PM
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February 17, 2006Halfway there!And even a bit ahead of schedule! (My goal was to have sock 1 done by Saturday night.) I am loving the yarn, and the cables, but I'm not so sure about the actual pattern. The heel was kind of weird, and the toe was really strange. I'm reserving judgment until they're both done and I'm wearing them. This accomplishment did not come without a casualty, however: It was a good needle, and it served well. I'm sure I won't be able to throw it away (I'm weird like that), so it will go into a happy retirement. And yes, I brought extras.
Posted by Kat at 11:13 AM
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February 15, 2006And around the first bend!We successfully got through the weird heel while watching Shaun White win his gold, and finally finished picking up stitches for the gusset yesterday. Thanks to some TV watching last night, the gusset decreases are now done and we're off and running for the foot, which means I don't have to carry the pattern around anymore for a while, thank goodness. (I am aware of the spam comments, by the way, and deleting them as I can. If anyone knows of a more permanent solution, let me know.)
Posted by Kat at 10:55 AM
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February 14, 2006Another quick updateMy trip is proceeding as planned - I'm now in Texas, and on the foot of the sock. Pictures soon. There are rumors of yarn shopping tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have a full report for you.
Posted by Kat at 11:57 PM
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February 13, 2006Quick NoteI'm about to leave for Texas. Just wanted to mention that I have some teams that have not been added yet, but they'll be up there soon. (Tomorrow at the latest.) So if you've e-mailed me but not gotten a response, don't worry; I've been busy with family stuff in Florida, and now with panicking about having 43 minutes to get my connection in Houston in a different terminal, but once I get to Texas things will be a bit more relaxed. I hope. Well, really, they'd have to be.
Posted by Kat at 03:48 PM
| Comments (6)
February 12, 2006What a difference a day makesI have to meet my family for breakfast in about fifteen minutes, but I thought you'd like a quick shot of the sock lounging on the lovely king size bed in our hotel room in Florida: The sock and I are both feeling much more relaxed after a fun party (well, for me; the sock was not invited), a full night's sleep, and a change of climate. Alas, the rest of the family is not so relaxed, as they're all supposed to be flying back north today, and there's some sort of blizzard thing going on. I'm so glad I cleverly opted to fly to Texas instead. More soon! Keep knitting!
Posted by Kat at 09:20 AM
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February 11, 2006Passion lives here.Oh boy, does it. That's the motto of the other Olympics, but it certainly fits the Knitting Olympics too. We're hovering around 4000 athletes, and new teams are being added just about as quickly as I can keep up. Recent additions include Team Iceland, Team Florida, Team Rainbow, and, get this, Team NYPD. I have added all the teams I currently have, so if your team isn't on there, let me know. I also finally managed to add the buttons of the teams for which I am knitting on the sidebar. (Note: Those are just the teams I'm on. All the teams are listed here.) I just watched the Opening Ceremonies while updating and knitting a bit, and a few comments: What was with all the '80s music? How... Italian? And how's my actual knitting, you ask? Well, last time you saw it there were three complete rounds. Now there are ten. But look! The links and teams page is all organized! With nested indents! I thought you'd all rather I spent my evening that way. Oh, and I packed. For this trip I've sort of vaguely mentioned. I'm flying to Florida in, um, about six hours, actually. (Eek! Maybe I should consider going to bed soon.) Then on Monday I'm flying to Texas. Back home a week from Sunday. My laptop is coming along, so keep sending me team updates. Internet access will be abundant in Texas, at least; Florida might be a bit trickier, but I'll do my best. If the teams page blows up or something, Steph and Erica know how to reach me. I'll be bringing my sock on the plane, of course. Let's see how many strangers I can scare by babbling about the Knitting Olympics, shall we? Knit on!
Posted by Kat at 12:15 AM
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February 10, 2006And we're off!I started casting on right at two, and had a bit of a rocky start. The cast on seemed a bit wonky, but I decided to trust Nancy Bush and keep going. Here's the cast on and three rounds: Unfortunately, any more progress will have to wait until after at least most of the things on my 15-item to do list are done. And after I nap, because the Opening Ceremonies are until midnight and then I need to be at the airport at 5:30 am. And in a quick break from all-Olympics-all-the-time, here's the game of "One of These Things Is Not Like the Other" I mentioned: Um. Huh? Those are my mother's Cool Little Mittlets (belated Christmas gift). They are indeed knit from the same skein of yarn. Does Noro Kureyon usually do this? They're actually less similar in person than they are in the picture. The colors never repeat. None of them. Ever. I swear the last thing I knit with Kureyon didn't do this. Are some of the colorways just like this? What's going on? P.S. To the person who found my site searching for "Evan Lysacek gay," if that's a question, I don't know the answer. But cheer for him either way, will ya?
Posted by Kat at 03:13 PM
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Newsflash: Knitting Olympics Frappr!Let's track where all our Olympians are located. Go here and add yourself!
Posted by Kat at 08:47 AM
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February 09, 2006Noun DeficiencyMy current state of excitement/anxiety (a double-edged sword...) is manifesting itself in an inability to think of many nouns, especially proper nouns, other than those along the lines of knitting, yarn, Olympics, blog, harlot, airplane, Texas, socks, ticket, and babies. Luckily, my roommate and I tend to communicate in half-sentences anyway, and he's doing an admirable job of translating for me here at work. We'll see how I do at the bookstore tonight. As long as people are asking for books about knitting, Texas, or babies, we'll be all set. Yes, this is basically just a filler entry. I'm trying to enter links, set up blogs, pack/plan for my trip, and, oh yeah, do my job. So. Witty blog content will have to wait. But coming tonight or tomorrow: a game of "One of these things is not like the other!" Complete with pictures! Of knitting! Try not to drop dead of shock.
Posted by Kat at 04:35 PM
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February 08, 2006Oh, is it Wednesday again?The guy on the radio this morning said something like "It's Wednesday, February 8" and my response was "It is?" Yeah. That kind of week. But since it appears to be Wednesday, that means it's time for randoms! Although my randoms might be a little, um, focused this week. 1. I am caught up with all the teams that have been submitted thus far. We have teams from six continents, 22 countries, 23 US states. You guys are amazing. Keep them coming. Can we get to all 50 states? And with that, I really should be off to bed...
Posted by Kat at 11:04 PM
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February 04, 2006Sucked into the vortex.Whooooosh. (Yes, that's the sound of me being sucked into the vortex.) What vortex, you ask? The Knitting Olympics vortex, of course. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by and e-mailed or commented with information about teams. I'm updating as fast as I can - I'm determined to catch up before I go to bed tonight. And really, there will be some real posts soon. Things to which to look forward (or something) soon: A better links page that's easier to navigate Okay, back into the vortex with me.
Posted by Kat at 09:56 PM
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February 03, 2006Attention Team New Hampshire!Hello! As your, er, self-appointed captain, or secretary, something, I have two brief requests: 1. Come out of the woodwork, will ya? There must be more than three of us. 2. Anyone willing to be interviewed for the Hippo? Let me know. Thanks!
Posted by Kat at 10:30 PM
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January 28, 2006Team New HampshireA button, for anyone interested: ![]() Save to your own server, yadda yadda. (A non-knitting supporter of the Olympics made it. I didn't want to seem to be taking credit.) Come see our new group blog! Other team members: Cheerleaders: I know there must be more of you! Speak up!
Posted by Kat at 09:34 PM
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January 27, 2006Knitting Olympics LinksI'm home sick today, so I figured I might as well round up all the links I can find that have buttons or other fun stuff for the Knitting Olympics, because God knows Steph has enough to do what with entering knitters and constructing a house with her bare hands and all. And, well, I'm a librarian. I want things to be nicely organized in lists. Alphabetical lists. I am quite sure that I have missed some, and that more will be added, etc. So please let me know! NOTE: sign-ups are indeed closed for individuals, but I will continue adding teams, buttons, media links, etc. for as long as you send them to me. So keep them coming! NOTE #2: If you see a team you'd like to join listed with no link yet, e-mail me and I can put you in contact with the team members. NEW: Knitting Olympics Frappr Add yourself to the map!Geographic regions:Africa:Team South Africa Asia:Team India Australasia:Teams Australia and New Zealand Europe:Team Belgium Latin America:Team Cuba North America:Canada:Knitanadian Kids: The Canadian Under-16 TeamU.S.: Specific ProjectsFirst Sweater Other TeamsOpen to AllCurling TeamSpecific Groups Misc. and/or Multi-Category ButtonsAncient Greek Button Alternate ChallengesDual Olympiad: Knitting and Crocheting DiscussionKnit_Olympics LiveJournal Community Media CoverageMAKE Blog, January 19, 2006: text Other Links and ResourcesKnitting Olympics Drinking Game
Posted by Kat at 01:35 PM
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