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2008 Goals: Other Crafts
Hey, look, a new hobby! Indisputable Evidence How very strange. Hey, I can crochet! Stash Enhancement Alert! 2005 Goals Part Three: Stitching
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...and a side of existential angst.
2007 Finishes: Books 2007 Finishes: Knitting 2007 UFO Resurrection Challenge 2008 Finishes: Books 2008 Finishes: Crochet 2008 Finishes: Knitting 2009 Finishes: Books 2009 Finishes: Crochet 2009 Finishes: Knitting 2010 Fall TV Handbook 2010 Finishes: Books 2010 Finishes: Knitting 2011 Books 2011 Goals 2012 NH Primary Amazing Lace 2006 Blogathon 2006 Bookish Bradley Whitford Breaking up is hard to do. Candles, candles, everywhere... CHEER Clothes Cross those stitches. Daily Reading Eating locally Endnotes Family Feminist Figure skating Food and cooking Getting to 50,000 Gift Guide Reviews God stuff Hey, look! I finished something! Holiday Music Holidays are supposed to be fun, right? How about a nice cuppa? I cannot believe this is happening. I hate moving. I love lists! I want to know! iPad Jumping on the bandwagon Kittens are cute. Knitting Life stuff Meanwhile, in the outside world... More about me than you ever wanted to know Morning Coffee Movies Music News and whatnot. No, actually, I am not okay. Of course I can knit that before Christmas. Olympic Knitting 2006 Other Crafts Piano Picoult-a-thon Politics and Policy Pop culture Pretty Pictures Product Reviews Programming Note Project Spectrum Quote of the Day Random Kat Facts Randomness Roommate stuff Sanity is overrated. Science! Search Sports Summer of Socks 2008 Summer Reading Program - My Books Summer Reading Program 2006 Tea Tech stuff Thank goodness for friends. The Best TV Show Ever The blog people The examined life The halls of academia The Shonda Rhimes empire These people are in charge? Things I'm Doing TiVo Today on the Internets TV TV and Movies TV: 18 to Life TV: Bones TV: Castle TV: Code 58 TV: Community TV: Covert Affairs TV: Glee TV: Gossip Girl TV: Haven TV: How I Met Your Mother TV: My Boys TV: Off the Map TV: Parenthood TV: Past Life TV: Persons Unknown TV: Pretty Little Liars TV: Rizzoli & Isles TV: Rookie Blue TV: Royal Pains TV: Rubicon TV: Sports Night TV: Supernatural TV: The Bridge TV: The Event TV: The Gates TV: The Good Guys TV: The Mentalist TV: The Vampire Diaries TV: Veronica Mars Warning: Liberal Weather What housework? What, me? Have an opinion? Wheeee! Winter Olympics 2010 WOMAN Challenge 2007 Work Writing Yarn Life You know you knit too much when... You spin me right round, baby.
January 02, 20082008 Goals: Other Crafts1. Get back into cross stitching and finish at least two things. Started this yesterday, actually!
Posted by Kat at 09:41 AM
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August 06, 2006Hey, look, a new hobby!So today Tracy and I headed down to the Lowell Quilt Festival. Wow. The exhibits were amazing - I took tons of pictures, and I'll get a link to them up ASAP. And it didn't take long for me to be convinced that I need to become a quilter. What I have so far for my first project: I've been working on the design - I'm thinking basically a nine-patch theme with solid strips in between. I have a few more things to pick up, and then I'm heading to Tracy's place on Thursday to get started. I'm excited! And, of course, I had to start a fabric stash: Two different Twelve Days of Christmas prints, with mottled purple and purple snowflakes coordinating. Fun!
Posted by Kat at 08:54 PM
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December 08, 2005Indisputable EvidenceI've been making a good show of the "oh, there's plenty of time until Christmas" thing. But I can't do it anymore. Because look what has taken up residence in my living room? Oh. What's that on the top, you ask? Well. I had no tree topper, and it was looking a little bare. Plus, it's COLD in my apartment. So what do you do when you have someone bareheaded and cold in your house? Think about it for a minute. Yeah. I thought so. You knit it a hat. It's really only logical.
Posted by Kat at 08:15 PM
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June 30, 2005How very strange.Does anyone else have the Cross Stitch Pattern-a-Day calendar? Is it just me, or is today's pattern really odd-looking? I guess it's supposed to be a shell... (Trying to deal with the spam comment issue. For the time being, I'm closing comments on older entries.)
Posted by Kat at 01:49 PM
January 15, 2005Hey, I can crochet!![]() That's my first "real" crocheting project... the first I've made from a pattern, at least. I'm more interested in thread crochet, but I wanted to start with something simpler. Of course, now I've jumped right to a doily, but oh well. At least I learned a little from the dishcloth first.
Posted by Kat at 01:12 PM
January 07, 2005Stash Enhancement Alert!I didn't mean to. Really. I went to A.C. Moore to stock up on yarn for charity knitting because they had all their yarn 25% off. And I did get plenty of yarn. (More on that later. This is a stitching post.) But I also saw some ornament kits on sale. They ended up being even more on sale than I'd thought--25 to 40 cents each. If I'd known that, I might have gotten more. As it were, I thought they were around a dollar and got three: "Mistletoe," "Log Cabin," and "Glad Tidings." Oh, hey, it just occurred to me that I could just stitch those three little ornaments and meet my goal for the year. ;-) Something to keep in mind come December. Anyway. I also saw Needleworker at Heart and just had to have it. I like how it incorporates various kinds of needlework. (Hmm. My boyfriend's mom might like it too. Interesting.) Then we went to the Borders store where I used to work. There I found the Easy Cross-Stitch Pattern-a-Day Calendar 50% off. I hadn't gotten it at full price because I wasn't sure how many of the projects I'd actually want to do, but at half off, why not? I looked at the patterns for the days I'd missed when I got home and I like them pretty well so far. And then (still at the bookstore), I was looking at the craft magazines and saw Cross Stitch Crazy. And right there in the top right corner of the cover, it told me I could STITCH MR. DARCY. MR. DARCY. Be still, my heart. I can't find a picture of this miraculous chart online, but believe me, you'll see it soon enough. Mr. Darcy. I get to stitch Mr. Darcy. The Colin Firth Mr. Darcy. I simply cannot believe my good fortune.
Posted by Kat at 11:57 PM
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January 04, 20052005 Goals Part Three: StitchingIn this area, my goal is basically just to stitch more. But since that's not terribly measurable, let's try a few others. 1. Finish at least three things. I hope to finish many more that that, of course, but last year I finished two, so three seems a good goal. 2. Finish Frederick the Literate. He's my 2005 challenge piece for one of my cross stitch lists. It's not the biggest piece I've started, but it will certainly be the biggest I've finished thus far. 3. Keep track of what I finish. Shouldn't be hard, given how few things I expect to finish, but that's my across-the-board goal this year so I might as well be consistent. 4. End the year with fewer UFOs. I, umm, don't know how many I have, so this will be tricky. But it basically means I have to finish more things than I start. Since I started Frederick already, I have to finish two things before I can start another.
Posted by Kat at 10:59 PM
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